Nj exam prep

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i was wondering that myself since i passed in october and got a renewal slip this week already...i called the board, you are exempt the first period of your licensure then you need to take the ceu's..so in other words if you passed in october 08 like i did, then you dont need to start the ceu's until after the renewal period of 3-31-09
i was wondering that myself since i passed in october and got a renewal slip this week already...i called the board, you are exempt the first period of your licensure then you need to take the ceu's..so in other words if you passed in october 08 like i did, then you dont need to start the ceu's until after the renewal period of 3-31-09
Correct...plus you can carry 8 hours forward from the last cycle. Just called Board and that's what they said. So for next renewal(2012) I need the 10 hour update for 2011 code changes and only 16 additional CEU's.

Do any of the remaining 24 have that language?

IMHO, it is a grey area if the CEU's are required.
At some point, there has to be a cut off date ~ I can see a guy sitting for the '05, passing, then the following week trying to jam 34 CEU into his already over burdened week.

Again, I would contact the Board: (973) 504-6410 ...if that info is not on the documents.
Thanks for the number- she was very helpful.
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