Thats my point as well, it is listed and manufactured as a grounded system transformer. Two of the ungrounded conductors can be 120v to ground therefore it requires grounding and would be in violation if ungrounded.
In my industrial circles most of our 240v delta's are grounded systems, our ungrounded systems are 480v.
Without the pages I can't confirm for this transformer but typically it won't be listed as a grounded system transformer. It will be listed as a three phase 480/240 transformer with optional 120V midtap to reference on one phase. Use of the midtap is normally listed as optional. Use of ground rather than a reference voltage is normally listed as optional.
I concur with your common usage. Ungrounded systems in the US are usually 480V buss supply to machinery. Ground is frequently pulled from the building steel or a fourth bar. 240V is normally a motor supply and thereby requires a transformer ground.