No UL listing on equipment, need it for inspector.

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Senior Member
Foothills of NC
I installed a circuit for a paper cutter for a company that just moved locations. The inspector nor I could find a UL listing for the cutter. Called the manufacture and they did not start listing until a later date than this machine. Now I need to find a company that will come out and list the machine. Anyone know who does this? Preferred in NC.
I installed a circuit for a paper cutter for a company that just moved locations. The inspector nor I could find a UL listing for the cutter. Called the manufacture and they did not start listing until a later date than this machine. Now I need to find a company that will come out and list the machine. Anyone know who does this? Preferred in NC.

Hope you have a big checkbook.
how much is this paper cutter? There is a possiblity the overall cost would be lower to purchase a listed paper cutter and sell the existing one, than to have the existing one listed via a field evaluation.

In any event, find out from the mfgr if its going to need any modifications to make the machine 'listable' before getting a testing lab over there.
Hope you have a big checkbook.

We found someone from the Raleigh area. I will let you know $.

how much is this paper cutter? There is a possiblity the overall cost would be lower to purchase a listed paper cutter and sell the existing one, than to have the existing one listed via a field evaluation.

I don't know. They took some of it apart and still had to install a 6' wide door to move it in. It looks like a machinist tool, almost all cast iron. I seen them cut about 4" of heavy card stock in a split second.

I thought NC had an amendment not requiring UL listing on equipment. Seems I remember a thread about that but cannot find it.
I thought NC had an amendment not requiring UL listing on equipment. Seems I remember a thread about that but cannot find it.

If it is considered Industrial Machinery (I think it could be) you are correct, click here

I had two Siemens 53MW GTG plants and one ASEA 57MW STG plant NRTL cerified for about $24,000. (Original NRTL estimate was $28k) These included various system control houses and fire protection control rooms. All three the plants were basically manufactured in Europe and shipped with (European) auxiliary components for field installation. The only significant problem I had was when the California Energy Commission appointed CBO decided that some cables that would most likely be classified as smooth sheathed MC needed to be installed per Art 398. Otherwise, it was a smooth operation.
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how much is this paper cutter? There is a possiblity the overall cost would be lower to purchase a listed paper cutter and sell the existing one, than to have the existing one listed via a field evaluation.

In any event, find out from the mfgr if its going to need any modifications to make the machine 'listable' before getting a testing lab over there.

I doubt that the inspector has any authority over an equipment. It is not part of the electrical distribution system.

If he still gives you lip, then make it plug connected.
You make a good point. This machine is 3 phase plug-in with a twist lock cord cap. Where does the inspector's jurisdiction stop? If this were a new building I'll beat an outlet would not have been questioned.

I called him today about the NC statute. He will not accept it and wants to run it by the head EI on Monday. I plan to meet them.
How could a paper cutter be Industrail Machinery?

What makes you think it couldn't be? Have you ever been in a paper mill?

Regardless, if it's cord and plug connected I would just move it out of the building until my wiring was inspected.

How could a paper cutter be Industrail Machinery?

NC GS 143-138(b)
?Nothing in this Article shall extend to or be construed as being applicable to the regulation of the design, construction, location, installation, or operation of industrial machinery. However, if during the building code inspection process, an electrical inspector has any concerns about the electrical safety of a piece of industrial machinery, the electrical inspector may refer that concern to the Occupational Safety and Health Division in the North Carolina Department of Labor but shall not withhold the certificate of occupancy nor mandate third-party testing of the industrial machinery based solely on this concern. For the purpose of this paragraph, ?industrial machinery? means equipment and machinery used in a system of operations for the explicit purpose of producing a product. The term does not include equipment that is permanently attached to or a component part of a building and related to general building services such as ventilation, heating, and cooling, plumbing, fire suppression or prevention, and general electrical transmission.?

My argument to the inspector is this company produces a product that happens to be cutting and printing heavy paper. This tool is one of the processes of producing his product.

Roger I recommended moving it out to the owner but it's so heavy he would rather not. He hired a moving company to move it from his old location. It may be as cheap to have it listed.
What makes you think it couldn't be? Have you ever been in a paper mill?

Regardless, if it's cord and plug connected I would just move it out of the building until my wiring was inspected.


If this thing is on a assembly line than It would be Industrial machinery, but if it is in an office than it wouldn't and it needs to be listed.
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