panel makeup

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panel makeup

  • I dont care what the panels look like

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iwire said:
izak, just so you don't think I make up ugly panels.

I was going to give you a hard time and then I saw this...
iwire said:
Now I know these panels are not that loaded, but I think they give a view of how I do it. Fairly neat but not anal.

Looks good, Bob. Looks reeeaal good. :D
quogueelectric said:
One more time....All single pole breakers and lots of multiwire branch circuits no threepole or two pole answer for that??
That's probably still legal for those who aren't on the '08.
I have to come clean. My panels always look like this:

Peter not a bad job on that panel, but you seem to have run the UC's in front of the neutral bar...a pet peeve of mine...
izak said:
it seems that we are getting away from my original question... i was looking for an average view of
HOW LONG should it take to make up that panel,
and HOW LONG in general should it take to make up a panel

and would the ECs accept 3 to 4 hours for make-up on a panel in general

the one i work for does....

I'll go forth with that if you'll have it.

Damn nice looking panel. I can tell you have a sense of pride in your work, and some don't give a flying hoot, so nicely done. On the other hand, I for one at least follow thee inside wall of the box so you will have extra to play with. I don't really understand how you can say it's a finished product, but you DO have a point. Your part may be done, but that panel we'll be reworked again, and again, and possibly 20 more X's. Working w/ pipe, having extra for just a little tug more is nice. I don't know why you think you can't have very nice work and not have extra. I also go to the bottom of the panel and then back up to land the termination, but that's just me.

See my signature. You asked, I answered. When it's all said and done, nicely looking panel Mr..
That is an extremely good looking panel. If the guy working for me took 4 hours to produce it, he'd receive a lecture about wasting time. I simply can't fathom taking that long.

It's one thing to say doing the job twice takes longer, but that doesn't justify taking twice as long to produce slightly better looking but functionally identical results, IMO.

Here is work I did a few years back, I imagine my panels are a little cleaner now but not much.

I'd be careful about getting defensive that everyone doesn't agree with you on this one, Izak. I don't appreciate being called a hack for having a different opinion on the matter than you, and I'm sure the others feel the same. Deep breaths, man. :)
Nemo, I agree with what you wrote, save this:
76nemo said:
I also go to the bottom of the panel and then back up to land the termination, but that's just me.

I dislike the practice, but solely because of the way it looks. JMO. :)
I like having nice panels, but there is a time and a place for everthing. I guess it depends on who it is and what is it for. Spec house? answer B, custom house, do a nice job, spend extra time. Here is a TEMP service I did as a donation to the par and rec department in my town, when they were renovating the town playscape.


ike5547 said:
Nice job Izak.

FWIW, I have yet to see a picture posted to this forum that wasn't criticized in some way.

I know what you mean. Like the wood there is not treated for outside.... :smile:
480sparky said:
I know what you mean. Like the wood there is not treated for outside....

StreamlineGT said:
TEMP service I did as a donation

Well, just because it is an outside installation, the word TEMP is the key word here. This panel was up for a 5 day build, so I figured it would be ok, and cheaper for me to supply to them for FREE.
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