Price per can fixture?

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Just curious to the average going price per can fixture? Say for "old work", drywall non-accessable ceiling. Thanks!
Supplying the cans and trim, too, I'd say $125 to $150. The expensive part is getting the switch leg to the first can; second depends on how many joists between rows.
That's why we have the diversibit--- rememebere they come in many lengths from 3- 6 feet I believe and they are flexible.

That's why we have the diversibit--- rememebere they come in many lengths from 3- 6 feet I believe and they are flexible.
Believe me, Dennis, I have had plenty of experience with them, especially with recessed-light retrofits. They can make the impossible possible.

I once went from attic to crawl in a 2-story house with one with a couple of extensions. Made sure the walls were stacked and not load-bearing, stayed centered, and went smooth.
No access, $250 to $325

I charge between $120 and $160 for 6" ICAT, one piece AT cone, 130V 60W lamp.

I knew I was too cheap.

Seen a van parked at a gas station for advertising purposes (at Balboa and the 118 freeway in beautiful San Fernando Valley) with a big sign on top, $60 a can.

I am sure you would get what you pay for.
Seen a van parked at a gas station for advertising purposes (at Balboa and the 118 freeway in beautiful San Fernando Valley) with a big sign on top, $60 a can.

Hmmm...I really think I'm going to start flying these west coast guys out here and subbing them out. ;)
We'd prefer you send us your customers!

We'd prefer you send us your customers!

Hmmm...I really think I'm going to start flying these west coast guys out here and subbing them out. ;)

Actually if you'd send us your customers we'd be happier.:D
Right now we're doing new contruction 6 inch IC rated with trim & lamp for $45/ea. and remodel cans starting at $65/ea.

Actual material cost here is around $7 per can ($12 if remodel), $4 per trim, $1 per lamp, + wire, etc. If the job goes well we can actually make wages.
6" $150-$175
4" $165-$190

Standard #24 trim with 65 watt flood and #14 trim with 50 watt bulb for the 4" can
To many things can go wrong when there is no access.
Underneath the drywall there is plaster, under that there is a 2x4 running in some strange fashion. A plumbing pipe, who knows.:)

We will install 6" can with attic access for $150.
In my area the Builders have been getting min $250 for 6' Recess in new work and if the buyer wants the same, after construction he charges $450 plus each. then turns around and finds an EC to do it for $90
How much!?!?!?

How much!?!?!?

$125 a can .. old work. attic accessible. People get that bug eyed look and roll there eyes at me when they hear the price. Dont do many.
I usually try about $100 plus the cost of the cans, trims and bulbs. Had one lady get mad after I finished hers when she saw that it only took me 5 hours to do 6 of them.

She was happy with the work, just didn't realize it cost so much.

But like many of said, they can be a pain in the butt, and if you go cutting circles with no attic access, sometimes there's no turning back. That can lay on my nerves a little bit while I'm cutting.
Believe it or not we have a guy here in central New Jersey Advertising 79.99 a can. 4 or more cans you get a free dimmer. Now you tell me how anyone can compete with that. IM SICK TO MY STOMACH!!!!!!!!:mad:
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