Hi All,
I appreciate the replies to this post, but I still would like a simple answer to my original post. I've read through the posts, but it's too technical and don't understand. I am just looking for a simple answer on sizing the breaker at the main panel.
I am designing a PV array that will have (2) strings of modules, which will require 20A dpb each and consolidate into a load center. This will tie back to the main service panel (MSP). Since the MSP is full, I will move (1) 40A dpb circuits to the load center to make room and replace that breaker in the MSP with a breaker size that can accomodate both the PV and the existing 40A circuit. My question is, how do you size that? Since the PV is a backfeed and the existing 40A is a load, do I take my 40A for the PV + the existing 40A and use an 80A dpb?
Any help is greatly appreciated.