emahler said:
of course there is...instead of being honest and billing the right amount...we keep an artificially low hourly, and then add extra hoyrs and fees, under the misguided perception that we are doing good...both financialy and for our customers....
What? How is that being dishonest? The most honest way would be to charge separately based on the actual cost allocations.
If you only have an hourly rate, you have rolled all of your costs, fixed, direct, AND variable into a variable rate, which we could claim is dishonest as well.
Since it is not practical for most people to separate a bill into its actual component costs, we can try to simulate those cost allocations by using other methods. Minimum fees/hours, starting the clock when you head to a location, travel expenses for remote locations, added costs for sites with no amenities, special needs adders, etc. are some of the methods used to try to better match the actual bill with the actual cost allocation.
There is no perfect solution, and one solution does not fit everybody.
I do not think that charging for on site time only is necessarily the best choice. But, you could factor the actual on site time into your hourly rate, which also includes your overhead costs. This would mean you should take all of your costs and margins and divide by the on-site time, which should be less than 2080 hours. Some ECs may have 1700 hours of on-site time, some may have 1200 or less.
Again, there is no perfect solution, and one solution does not fit everybody.