In a hospital the operating table would be a critical care area. What makes this ?area? a critical care area? Is the operating room the only critical care area one can find?
What is a laundry area? Is a clothes closet a laundry area? Is the area where the washing machine, dryer, and ironing board are located a laundry area? What makes an area in a dwelling unit a laundry area?
Is the laundry area limited to one place in a dwelling unit? Is it possible to have the clothes washer in one room, the clothes dryer in another room and a built in ironing board in a third room? How many laundry areas would this dwelling unit now have? How many circuits required by 210.11(C)(2) and receptacles required by 210.52(F) would this dwelling unit now require?
Please help me to better understand this laundry area and the requirements of 210.11(C)(2) and 210.52(F).
As outlined above with three different pieces of laundry equipment located in three different locations of a dwelling unit how many circuits and receptacles would be required?
I do understand that in the two code sections it states ?at least one? but does that mean that only one is required in the scenario outlined above with laundry equipment located in three different areas of a dwelling unit.
It seems to be the consensus of some that a 120 volt circuit supplying a receptacle could be install inches below the service panel and labeled laundry and then have the washer, dryer, and ironing board installed in other locations of the house on a general purpose circuit (meaning a gas dryer here) and be code compliant. Do I understand this correctly?
I promise to not debate but I am looking for a consensus on this matter.