Re: Resistance Cube
Let me admit that I have been out of touch for a couple weeks (moving pains), and came into this one late. I haven't had time to go through all the pictures and the equations. But here is my reaction to one of the early statements. I am not picking on Bryan.
Originally posted by bphgravity: At a closer look, I have determined there are 3 resistors in parallel that are in series with 6 more resistors in parallel that are in series with the remaining 3 resistors in parallel.
Not true, I fear. No resistor is in series with any other resistor, and no resistor is in parallel with any other resistor. Here is what I mean:
Let?s look for a series connection. Start at any point, and label it P1. Pretend you are an electron who is about to travel from that starting point (P1), through a resistor. When you get to the other side, and to the next connection point (let us call it P2), do you have an option of which way to go next? That is, are there more than one resistor connected to P2, other than the one that you have already passed through? The answer is ?yes.? Therefore, the resistor you traveled through is not in series with any other resistor. Now look at the whole picture, and you will see that my first statement is true, that no resistor is in series with any other resistor.
Now let?s look for a parallel connection. Pick any resistor. Put your left hand on the left side of that resistor, and your right hand on the right side of that resistor. Next, look to see what other resistor (if any) is connected to the same point as the one your left hand is touching. You see one? Actually, you should see two. Now look to see if either of the two is also connected to the same point that your right hand is touching. I mean connected by wire alone, not connected via another resistor. You will note that no other resistor, other than the first one you started with, is touching both your left hand and your right hand. Therefore, the resistor you put your hands across is not in parallel with any other resistor. Now look at the whole picture, and you will see that my second statement is also true, that no resistor is in parallel with any other resistor.
I recall having seen this problem in college. It is a ?classic.? What I remember about the solution is that the total resistance of the cube is exactly the same as it would be, if you disconnected and removed a specific pair of resistors. That is, the voltage across each of the two resistors is zero. I do not recall which are the two that can be removed. I would have to think that through. Perhaps someone else will get it before I can remember. But I can say that once you disconnect those two specific resistors, what remains is a simple set of series and parallel connections that you can easily resolve into an equivalent resistance.
[ June 11, 2005, 07:49 PM: Message edited by: charlie b ]