Restaurant POS...

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Re: Restaurant POS...

Having helped many people with similar computer problems, I can say that there could be several sources (GFI recep. not being one of these) of the computer problem if external to the computer hardware or software. -- printers & copiers can cause poor power quality & computer problems --- grounding usually is the problem if several computers are networked ---need to check grounding conductor's connections and grounding conductors to each of the computer equipment and assure all are bonded at the service entrance (grounding conductors must always be used for computer equipment -- conduit & etc. not acceptable) --- Always recommend UPS equipment for all computer systems --cheap for the size equipment indicated. --- check neutral connections also as an intermittent open neutral can cause the voltage to float. -- finally UPS equipment also will solve any problems caused by utility switching of line capacitors. -- also check to see if hot and neutral are possibly reversed on the receptacle. If all this is done and still problems then the computer and or software is the problem.--- It is a fact that 90% of networked computer problems are caused by improper grounding. Often network cards fail and bad data problems occur with poor grounding giving each computer a different reference point.


Re: Restaurant POS...

Oh by the way -- the on-line UPS does a great job giving a constant high quality power output.-- The stand-by UPS response times are so fast on the newest equipment that almost no differences exist in output power quality between the two types of UPS. I recommend the stand-by UPS now days unless the customer has money to blow and wants the best possible.


Senior Member
Louisville, Kentucky
Re: Restaurant POS...

Just a follow up.

Spoke with the owner of this restaurant, he has not had any problems since the folks that own his software and Credit Card Processing account came in and updated their stuff.

There was no need for all of the monies to be spent on dedicated circuits and other unnecessary equipment.

I would like to thank everyone again for all of the input on this situation.



Senior Member
Re: Restaurant POS...

If you need to have a non-GFCI receptacle or a UPS this close to a sink all of the computer receptacles and plugs should be LOCKING. This would exclude any loads that should be plugged into the GFCI. The locking receptacles should be labeled NOT GFCI.

An electrical safety inspector I know is a bit critical of having to have every 15 amp and 20 receptacle in a commercial kitchen GFCI because it messes up computers. It also does nothing about 30 amp 120 volt appliances. Also, a lot of existing refrigerators have too much leakage current for GFCI to work. This amount of leakage aurrent is no different than how if you do not ground a 480 volt motor it will have a nasty tingle voltage even when brand new.


If you are really worried about electric shock you also need to be doing continuous monitoring of the equipment ground like with 1,100 volt and 3,300 volt extension cords in mines. Mine cords also have shielding of the conductors as well so that the first fault is always a ground fault. There is GFCI protection for equipment that ignores normal current leakage to the shields and so forth. There is also impedance grounding of the power source so that ground faults do not burn clear so that the protective relays and the lectricians can locate the ground fault.

The British have not had an electocution in their coal mines since 1964 so they must be doing something right.


Staff member
Re: Restaurant POS...

Originally posted by mc5w:
If you need to have a non-GFCI receptacle or a UPS this close to a sink all of the computer receptacles and plugs should be LOCKING. This would exclude any loads that should be plugged into the GFCI. The locking receptacles should be labeled NOT GFCI.
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