service riser "AWESOME"

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It is a concentric knockout in the center that can have a hub installed over it. The panel also has KO on the top right side. You can only use the KO if the panel is recessed otherwise it needs that blank plate that covers the top when being installed on the surface.

I have to say I have never see that one.
The panel is a semi-flush model, the hub is over the metering section of it & I see no KO's around it, there is nothing wrong with the hub, just the goofball use of offset nipples & rigid couplings.

Semi-flush 100A & 200A panels are normal in new construction here in CA, if it were in PG&E territory & UG service it would have to be 3" min., & for OH, 1 1/4" min., rigid, or IMC, it seems to be 1 1/4" in the photo.

This is a surface mount version of the same type of panel but another make then in the OP's photo but does show how they are divided between the metering & distribution sections.

I mean per code.

I do load calculation and 90% of the time the neutral comes to less than 100Amps. So I use #2 or #1 for the neutral and it fits just fine.

However, the one pictures by the OP will be a hard pull.
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