since when...

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Charlie Bob

Senior Member
West Tennessee
texted customer a little while back with estimate for hot tub installation.I didn't like the idea of the text instead of personally deliver it myself, but i'm sick today and i was trying to see if i could line this one up for tomorrow if he agreed with estimate.

Tipycal install.;

About 60 ' of 6/3 w/ground NM from main to hottub 50 amp GFCI subpanel. From there LFNC to tub. Had to replace Ceiling fan with suitable plastic firxture, onether porch light needs to be swaped, and make sure all this is GFCI protected. Make a general purpose recept. GFCI protected.
Wall repairs ,if any holes need to be cut, is included in bid.
Materials and inspections fees included ($60.00 worth in fees)

Total estimate: $1,400.00

He called me i explained this to him, he said he'd talk to his wife and then let me know.
Texted me back sayin i didn't give him an estimate on the time. Do what?????

Since when i'm supposed to give an estimate with detail hourly rate and all.
I feel like telling him: that the time was as long as it takes.
But i'm running a business so i need to be politically correct, so i told him estimate based on 1 day work, 2 men , plus time involve in picking up materials and getting inspections.

i tell you things you got to do te make a living.
Go hand deliver a solid detailed bid for $2800.00

believe, i'm always trying to save my customer some money, that is without sacrifizing my wages. I persuaded this guy about the right place for this install, cause where he wanted it at first , it would have costed him every bit of $3,000. or more. I could have kept my mouth shut and give him what he wanted and collect, but i tried to help the guy.
I guess i can take my finanses book with me if i do the job, so feel good knowing that i won't get rich at his expense.:)
Texted me back sayin i didn't give him an estimate on the time. Do what?????
I believe he considers your estimate to be just that, and his final cost will depend on how long the job will actually take. Micro-managing tactic.

I always make the point that my estimate is just that, and is no more than an educated guess until I visit the site, after which I give a firm price.

If they ask how much time I base the labor on, I ask why, and it's usually because they're hoping/expecting a discount if it goes faster than I estimated.

I respond with "Sure, as long as I can charge more if it takes longer." Never comes up again. :) A fixed price is at the possible peril of either party.
I believe he considers your estimate to be just that, and his final cost will depend on how long the job will actually take. Micro-managing tactic.

I always make the point that my estimate is just that, and is no more than an educated guess until I visit the site, after which I give a firm price.

If they ask how much time I base the labor on, I ask why, and it's usually because they're hoping/expecting a discount if it goes faster than I estimated.

I respond with "Sure, as long as I can charge more if it takes longer." Never comes up again. :) A fixed price is at the possible peril of either party.

I bet you that helps them settle for the original price.
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I bet you that helps them settle for the original price.
It usually does. I've had someone counter-offer a lower price when I give one, and I counter with a higher price. For example:

"My price for this job is $1250."

"That's a lot. How about doing it for $1000?"

"Okay, then: $1500."

"Wait! You're going the wrong way!"

"How does $1250 sound now?"

If they're willing to be that direct with me, which is cool, I am, too.
believe, i'm always trying to save my customer some money, that is without sacrifizing my wages. I persuaded this guy about the right place for this install, cause where he wanted it at first , it would have costed him every bit of $3,000. or more. I could have kept my mouth shut and give him what he wanted and collect, but i tried to help the guy.
I guess i can take my finanses book with me if i do the job, so feel good knowing that i won't get rich at his expense.:)
I'm guilty of this to often. I've even had them take my idea, and give the job too other. Wife says' that's what you get for being a nice guy. Oh well, at least I sleep good at night.
I'm guilty of this to often. I've even had them take my idea, and give the job too other. Wife says' that's what you get for being a nice guy. Oh well, at least I sleep good at night.

I would not be able to sleep good if I gave my work away at a lower price, my family needs are what my income from business supplies, so I would not ever consider cheating my family.
But i'm running a business so i need to be politically correct, so i told him estimate based on 1 day work, 2 men , plus time involve in picking up materials and getting inspections.

i tell you things you got to do te make a living.

The problem with telling the customer the time you have figured is that if you come in under the time alloted they will want a reduction of the bill. I made that mistake one time. However if you go over they won't pay anymore than the quote.

I think that your price is very fair (seems quite low). Did you figure for the equipotential bonding? Also if the tub is installed outdoors flexible conduit shall not be permitted in lengths of more than 6' for depending how far from the disconect and size of the tub you may use a different method. 680.42 (A) (1).
Also if the tub is installed outdoors flexible conduit shall not be permitted in lengths of more than 6' for depending how far from the disconect and size of the tub you may use a different method. 680.42 (A) (1).

Does anyone know if this is just for unsupported? I could not find an explanation in the handbook.
Usually when I here I need to talk to the wife or the husband they never seem to call back. I think when we give the customer an estimate we do leave ourselves open to negotiation at the end of the job because it is an estimate it may say so on the form . What to call it then a fixed priced bid or contract leaving no flexibility on either side for price negotiation at the end of the job. No breakdown of material permits or labor is required . This prevents comparing apples to oranges with other bids .
I wonder if the 6' is from disconnect to tub, or disconnect to panelboard under the tub. I've run under a tub for 6' before emerging, never really thought about it!
I've always played it as 6' max total length in the run, and I believe that is the intent. It could be interpreted, I suppose, as individual lengths not exceeding 6', but allowing multiple segments. Room for clarification, for sure.
Charlie Bob said:
Texted me back sayin i didn't give him an estimate on the time. Do what?????

Since when i'm supposed to give an estimate with detail hourly rate and all.
I feel like telling him: that the time was as long as it takes.
But i'm running a business so i need to be politically correct, so i told him estimate based on 1 day work, 2 men , plus time involve in picking up materials and getting inspections.
You probably gave him just what he was asking for. Is is going to be an hour? A day? A week? How long are you going to be traipsing around my house? How many guys? I think sometimes we get defensive without realizing that the customer doesn't do this every day, they need more info to feel good about pulling the trigger.

Not sure I'd fire a number over a text message, unless it was somebody I worked with on a regular basis. I'd definitely follow it up with a phone call.
Its funny people dont realize the more you know and the better you are the faster the job will get done thus we should get paid less for what we do because we can get it done faster
Its funny people dont realize the more you know and the better you are the faster the job will get done thus we should get paid less for what we do because we can get it done faster

That is all so true especially in troubleshooting where a novice may take all day to find something make a days wages and a seasoned electrician can find it in five minutes make a few dollars then the customer may say it didn't take you that long the price should not be that much not realizing that they actually saved a bundle.
Its funny people dont realize the more you know and the better you are the faster the job will get done thus we should get paid less for what we do because we can get it done faster
They also don't look at time spent looking at the job, time spent estimating it, time spent purchasing materials, time spent loading materials on the truck, time spent pulling permits, time spent estimating jobs that you didn't get, time spent doing paperwork in the office before and after the job, time spent getting checks deposited in the bank, time spent working on advertising and marketing, etc.

All of these things add to the time spent for each job you get.

Then again in my opinion a lot of electrical contractors don't seem to look at these things either and don't seem to include them in their bid.

If they only knew how much we really make.
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