That's the part that doesn't work if you look at each wave at 30 degree intervals of time.
Sure it works out. You seem to like graphs of sine waves, but I can't type those.
Fortunately we have a great short hand for this. I can write X ∠ Y, where X is a magnitude, and Y is a phase angle in degrees; that's called a phasor. In the context of 60 Hz AC, X ∠ Y means the sinewave y(t) = X*sqrt(2)*sin(2*pi*(60*t - Y/360)). So if you want to see some of these values as graphs, you can go to your favorite graphing platform and plug in that equation, putting in the values of X and Y.
With that established, we've been talking about A, B, N as 3 conductors of a 208Y/120V system. For the voltages, we have:
V(A-N) = 120 ∠ 0
V(B-N) = 120 ∠ 120
V(N-B) = -120 ∠ 120 = 120 ∠ 300
V(A-B) = V(A-N) + V(N-B) = 120 ∠ 0 + 120 ∠ 300 = 120 * sqrt(3) ∠ 330
[Now it may not be clear how I did that very last step of adding the two phasors together when their phase angles differ. But if you check with your graphing platform, you will see the result is correct at the level of adding sinewaves point-wise. The upshot is that we can associate X ∠ Y with a point in the plane (X cos Y, X sin Y), and then add the two phasors coordinate-wise, and turn the result back into a phasor. Equivalently for a phasor, we can draw a line on the plane that starts at the origin and proceeds for length X at an angle Y CCW from the x-axis; to add two phasors, we just start our second line at the end of the first line, rather than at the origin; and the sum phasor is the line from the origin to our final destination.]
Again, these voltages are fixed by the primary source (the grid or a grid-forming inverter), and our loads or grid-following inverters won't change them (for this idealization where we ignore conductor impedance).
Then if we put a resistive load across A-B, the current through it will be in phase with V(A-B), this is a special case where that is true. If the resistance is 12 ohms, then the current is 10A, and taking current from B to A like we take voltage, we have I(A-B) = 10 ∠ 330.
With the wye secondary, that same current waveform travels around in a loop through the load, through the coil A to N, and the other coil N to B. So we'll have I(A-B) = I(N-A) = I(B-N) = 10 ∠ 330.
So look at the coil A-N. The current I(A-N) is the negative of I(N-A), or -10 ∠ 330 = 10 ∠ 150. While the voltage is 120 ∠ 0. They are 150 degrees out of phase. More than 90 degrees, which means that the coil isn't consuming energy from the circuit like the load would be, but it is instead putting energy into the circuit. It's one half of the source of energy for this load.
Likewise for the coil B-N. The current I(B-N) is 10 ∠ 330, while the voltage is 120 ∠ 120. Again 150 degrees out of phase, again because the coil is providing energy to the circuit, rather than consuming it.
If we replace our resistive load A-B with an inverter A-B that is pushing out 10A to add energy to the circuit, everything is identical, except we have a negative sign on all the currents. Now I(A-B) = -10 ∠ 330 = 10 ∠ 150, or the current is 180 degrees out of phase with V(A-B) (same thing as negative here). While in the coils, the current will be 30 degrees out of phase with voltage. Because in this example, with no other loads in the circuit, the secondary coils will be "consuming" the energy put out by the inverter and "regurgitating" it back out on the primary side, for loads there.
Cheers, Wayne