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I've never heard the term Kearney before. Where I came up in the trade we called them bugs, but it seems that noone here has heard that term before. I don't want to hijack this thread with other regional slang but the comment about Kearney being a brand name reminded me of something. In CT we always called metal box supports "madison's". Here everyone calls them f-straps and never heard the term madison before. I was doing some demo one day and pulled out an OW box and stamped right on the side of the strap was "Madison equipment co" (or something to that effect). I found it kind of amusing that in the state where the term was used noone could tell me where it came from and in the state where noone heard of this term they were using the real McKoy (or would that be the real Madison?)
ishium 80439 said:
I've never heard the term Kearney before. Where I came up in the trade we called them bugs, but it seems that noone here has heard that term before. I don't want to hijack this thread with other regional slang but the comment about Kearney being a brand name reminded me of something. In CT we always called metal box supports "madison's". Here everyone calls them f-straps and never heard the term madison before. I was doing some demo one day and pulled out an OW box and stamped right on the side of the strap was "Madison equipment co" (or something to that effect). I found it kind of amusing that in the state where the term was used noone could tell me where it came from and in the state where noone heard of this term they were using the real McKoy (or would that be the real Madison?)

I have heard box supports called, madisons, steamships, battleships, ship clips, f-clips, but the local name around here for them is "Hold its".....

The thread asked for slang terms. I guess you can't get more slang than that!

Apologies if anyone was offended.
Back to OP, we call them burndy's. My father started in the 60's and that's what he called them. Of course he was trained by someone who started much earlier than that..."Bugs" here are whatever you use to connect service entrance to service drop. Split bolts, those Alcoa connectors I used to get from Mass Elec.
j_erickson said:
Back to OP, we call them burndy's. My father started in the 60's and that's what he called them. Of course he was trained by someone who started much earlier than that..."Bugs" here are whatever you use to connect service entrance to service drop. Split bolts, those Alcoa connectors I used to get from Mass Elec.

linemen in my area call them bugs...
mdshunk said:
Funny, I know "beanies" as the Dolphin-type connector the alarm guys use. Sorts like an insulated crimp with a bunch of teeth inside that you smash with your pliers.

No way those are good n plentys where I come from. Edit to add I do stock them 100+ on my truck yet rarely use them.
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j_erickson said:
Back to OP, we call them burndy's. My father started in the 60's and that's what he called them. Of course he was trained by someone who started much earlier than that..."Bugs" here are whatever you use to connect service entrance to service drop. Split bolts, those Alcoa connectors I used to get from Mass Elec.

Ditto for me.

I've always called em burndies. Picked it up from my Dad who got his start in the trade in early 60's.
When I started out they were called "kearneys" by most of the guys I learned from (hat tip to dear old Dad). I have heard "burndy" but personally never referred to them as such. Nowadays, I refer to them as split-bolts. Bugs? Now that is a new on me.

I'm a 3rd gen. electrician so I grew up hearing a lot of the old names.

This forum never ceases to amaze me about how much we can learn and teach to others all across the country practicing the same craft.
Poolside said:
I have heard "burndy" but personally never referred to them as such.
We call the crimpers (and the crimps come to think of it- 179s, 189s, etc) the "burndys" Kind of like the word Smurf I guess. burndy makes the crimpers and the crimps we use. Wish we had a battery-powered hydraulic one...

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quogueelectric said:
Originally Posted by mdshunk
Funny, I know "beanies" as the Dolphin-type connector the alarm guys use. Sorts like an insulated crimp with a bunch of teeth inside that you smash with your pliers.


No way those are good n plentys where I come from. Edit to add I do stock them 100+ on my truck yet rarely use them.

Dolphin is a brand name much like Kearny (I call them Kearnies BTW) - and I got several 1/2 bags of them (indoor white ones, and blue outdoor ones)in various places, and the other 1/2 of each bag is all over the truck floor! :D When I do use them I try to get them from there first.....
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