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jerm said:
We call those b-line splices. use them on security and fire alarm installs sometimes. I don't have any on the truck though, not used often enough.
We call those chicklets- And I put plenty of s$%t on my bugs before rubber taping them
Minuteman said:
FWIW, what do you call the other pouch on your tool belt where odd parts are kept? Bug Bag

What's a tool belt? Isn't that what back pockets are for?:smile:

kspifldorf said:
You should be careful how you use the slang for a "motor connection box" as this one GEEK calls it.

depending on where I am working, I find myself censoring "normal" conversations between me and my coworkers.

For example "hey pass me over a pair of dykes" doesn't go over too well in an office environment.;)


Split bolts = bug nuts
f clips = madison clips
Buchanon = crimp ferrel
9's equal 9 inch side cutters
monkey sh$t= duct seal

any body hear of cowboys?

to me, burndy's are a crimpable "h" tap
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