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Conduit reamer etc...
ultramegabob said:
I worked with a guy that called them "nines" was that a model number or a length of the pliers?

length. "nine kliens". or just "hand me the kliens". (no, I never wear the belt.)
aprentice mentioned "roundhouse" in another thread about 3 phase 4 wire multiwire branch circuits. I have heard this before, but I always call them a "family"...
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ultramegabob said:
aprentice mentioned "roundhouse" in another thread about 3 phase 4 wire multiwire branch circuits. I have heard this before, but I always call them a "family"...

That's a 'full boat' to me.
Kearney's, split bolts are a common name here but a BUG is the 38 J-frame I keep in my ankle holster... :D

Madison's I've never heard but battleship is a common name, we call them E-strips over here. I don't know why though, they do look more like an F.

How many know what an Ericson is, or Kindorf?
I'd never heard any other term than split-bolt myself, until today. We never use them. When we have to make taps we use c-taps. Seen them used for illegal service changes.

Madison clamps is the term I use although f-clips, f-clamps, battleships are common.

Call all 'em "Kleins".

Any body here call water bond clamps j-juniors?

Do you know what greenfield is?

Soap? (Yellow-77)

Used an ericsons (coupling) once in 13 years.
Regardless of age, I would guess that most anybody who has ever held a yellow ticket (even in their shoe) would know the terms; Kearney (bug), Nines, Erickson, Greenfield, Crows Knuckle, Kendorf, Sta-Cons, Jake EL (Jiffy EL), Square-to-round, Spin Tight, Mini, Hickey, Pump Pliers, Scotch Lock, and Junior.

FWIW, what do you call the other pouch on your tool belt where odd parts are kept? Bug Bag
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Minuteman said:
Regardless of age, I would guess that most anybody who has ever held a yellow ticket (even in their shoe) would know the terms; Kearney (bug), Nines, Erickson, Greenfield, Crows Knuckle, Kendorf, Sta-Cons, Jake EL (Jiffy EL), Square-to-round, Spin Tight, Mini, Hickey, Pump Pliers, Scotch Lock, and Junior.

FWIW, what do you call the other pouch on your tool belt where odd parts are kept? Bug Bag

Nines are Kliens? AKA "Sidecutters"
Kendorf is Unistrut
Spin tite is a nutdriver
Pump pliers are Channellocks
Crows Knuckle ??
Junior ??
Yellow Ticket D654124
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