I think the seeing the forest for the trees is a good line on this one.
While the NEC permits Type NM-B to be protected where subject to physical damage per Section 334.15(B), which subsequently provides a listed of acceptable materials, all of which are listed in accordance with their respective Articles.
Unless of course you think an AHJ will elaborate on the "other approved means". The intent is to use protective methods listed within the NEC that are for use with electrical installations and equipment.
In terms of the question about 334.30 which is not really the correct reference for the concern, I would more so look at the requirements of Section 312.5(C), not considering the exception in this case and 314.17(B) or (C), which I am more than sure you all are aware of regarding termination to enclosures and junction boxes, etc.
If installing the cable in a raceway (where permitted) it is considered supported and as someone else stated quite secure as well so I fail to see the concern on that aspect. Ironically, Section 334.10(5) permits me to instal Type NM-B in raceways that are listed for Type I and II Construction where applicable to the requirements....however, the notion that complete systems (300.18(A)) would permit Type NM-B installed without complying with Section 312.5(C) or 314.17(B) and (C) in a Type I and/or II Construction is a misnomer since the systems would have to be complete runs to meet the requirements of the installation.
.....and clearly people like to reach outside of the boundary of common sense, I would be hard pressed to see a certified electrical inspector accept plumbing PVC for any protection aspects demanded of Section 334.15(B), where applicable....thats just my opinion and we know how some like to play with the semantics of the NEC. Fact is, the protective elements given in 334.15(B) are all listed products (PVC-352.6,RMC-344.6,IMC-342.6,EMT-358.6,RTRC-355.6) with the exception of the AHJ possibly permitting (90.4) "something else" based on the "other approved means"...yeah I am sure they will hang their certification on PVC Plumbing Conduit....:roll:
FYI- It's Nonmetallic-Sheathed Cable....not the "R" word.....but those who dislike me will relish in that statement:angel: