OK, 10,000 lights, 2 fans, and four switches = 7-way?
If the 4 switches are controlling the "10,000 lights and 2 fans" as one switch leg..........it's a 5 way.
2 switches controlling 10,000 lights = 3 way system
3 switches controlling 10,000 lights = 4 way system
4 switches controlling 10,000 lights = 5 way system
5 switches controlling 10,000 lights = 6 way system etc...
What would you call a multi wire switch system of:
two switches controlling one light?
three switches controlling one light?
four switches controlling one light?
five switches controlling one light?
Tell me with all the things that are address in this business.......that has never been addressed?
Because of 2 switches and light being a 3 way...........3 switches and a light being a 4 way... I'm just figuring the light is included in the number.
Would make much more sense and I'm not trying to rewrite history.
But 2 switches controlling a light would be a 2 way (2 ways to turn on a light), 3 switches controlling a light would be a 3 way (3 ways to control a light)........... 10 switches controlling 10,000 lights would be a 10 way (10 ways to
control a light)
Now if there where 50...........that would be different. That would be 50 ways to leave your lover.