Well, after the foreman left today...with teh truck to go get supplies..yeah right, gone for three hours! And came back without anything....I was forced to use two blacks, a blue,white, and ground..in a pvc pipe that fed a outdoor light. We have several of these lights, and this one just happened to be the shortest but hardest pull...anyway I phased one of the blacks red on both ends. Well, when he got back, and just as we had finished..he informs me that is against code? Since when I asked him and he said well, its been in the books for the last eight or so years....Well, I have looked all though my damn book and can't find anything at all that could pertain to this being against code! Well, besides maybe...maybe 90.4....but that's a long shot isn't it? Wouldn't the code for branch circuits...sec. 210.5c come into effect here? I have been laid off for the last year...but hell we always use to phase conductors all the time. And always passed..lol. Did we just get lucky? I know its been awhile, but did I forget that much? Any help tonight would be great...its almost 12 here, and I would love to go in and tell him I was not wrong he is. But also, if I am wrong, I need to man up and let him know I feel bad for doubting him! Just seems like there should be no problem for this..Guys???