Stripping MC

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Northeast, PA
Little question. What kind of tool do you use to strip the outer jacket off of MC Cable? Roto-Split? Bx Cutter? Hacksaw?

I personally use bx cutters. That was how I was taught. When I started my job, everyone (4 of them) was using Roto-Splits. They never knew about bx cutters.

Bx Cutter from klien
I cut with sharp dikes. Never used a rotosplit, never nicked a wire.had a problem
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bend,twist cut with dikes or linesmans. sometimes i use a roto zip if i have one handy. taught my helper first day how to cut when dikes and a hacksaw and my boss got angry at me
Used to use a hacksaw. Once I got the rotosplit, I never looked back.

[edit: rotosplit, not rotozip :roll:]
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That reminds me....I saw an article in the local paper about the benefits of hiring a handyman instead of tradesmen. The photo showed a handyman cutting ROMEX with a hacksaw.

Damn I should have saved that.
220/221 said:
That reminds me....I saw an article in the local paper about the benefits of hiring a handyman instead of tradesmen. The photo showed a handyman cutting ROMEX with a hacksaw.

Damn I should have saved that.
That was the new rough service romex :smile:
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