Stripping MC

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Awg-Dawg said:
For the life of me, I can't grasp on how to use a hacksaw on MC.

It seems too small to try and cut. Any enlightenment?

My thoughts exactly until I saw Marc's post. I have never ran any MC larger than 1.5", and that was just for whips. I had an engineer give me a talking to because I use the unwind/snip clean/taped redhead method. He told me it was very unprofessional, any good electrician is to know that only a roto-split was to be used on MC:roll: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

A hacksaw though, I'd like to see that.

O.K., another subject/question. I have seen several electricians blow a fuse over using a 3/8th's NM connector in a bind on MC. If you know what the heck you are doing, do the rest of you see that as an issue in your eyes??? I don't mean an entire factory, but you get my point. I noticed ALL of our new office space has Romex connectors, I didn't say a thing.

So,........... other peoples opinions? Yeh, or NOOOOO way????
Awg-Dawg said:
I took it as some use a hacksaw on the small stuff.

I do, and I can beat a rotosplit in most cases.

You cut across the armor at an angle, with aluminum jacket and a sharp blade one or two strokes will do it,.

Beware though, until your practiced at it you will run the saw over the back of your thumb. :grin:
76nemo said:
O.K., another subject/question. I have seen several electricians blow a fuse over using a 3/8th's NM connector in a bind on MC. If you know what the heck you are doing, do the rest of you see that as an issue in your eyes??? I don't mean an entire factory, but you get my point. I noticed ALL of our new office space has Romex connectors, I didn't say a thing.
Are you sure? There are MC connectors that look nearly identical to a romex connector, but have a "bottom" in them.

Try this one on for size:

iwire said:
I do, and I can beat a rotosplit in most cases.

You cut across the armor at an angle, with aluminum jacket and a sharp blade one or two strokes will do it,.

Beware though, until your practiced at it you will run the saw over the back of your thumb. :grin:

Can you beat an untwist/snip clean with a hacksaw Bob?
mdshunk said:
Are you sure? There are MC connectors that look nearly identical to a romex connector, but have a "bottom" in them.

Try this one on for size:


Yes Marc, Romex connectors:confused: I don't have a problem with it, and would use them in my own new home. There again, I use taped redheads, don't hammer me:grin: ;)
76nemo said:
I had an engineer give me a talking to because I use the unwind/snip clean/taped redhead method. He told me it was very unprofessional, any good electrician is to know that only a roto-split was to be used on MC
Tell that engineer that a Roto Split didn't even exist until 1973, and guys were cutting AC with a hacksaw or snips for 20 years previous to that. Ideal made a special "nipper" tool for cutting AC and MC armor, that had a hawk bill that would nip a coil of armor. Apparently, they don't make it anymore, but I'm sure I have one around someplace I can take a picture of.
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mdshunk said:
Sounds like a new event for the electrician X games.

I have raced my buddy before when making a bunch of whips. :smile:

But it was hack saw vs hack saw and it was ended up about even.
iwire said:
I have raced my buddy before when making a bunch of whips. :smile:

But it was hack saw vs hack saw and it was ended up about even.
Wow! That's unbelievable.

not that it ended up even,

but that you have a buddy. :grin:
mdshunk said:
Tell that engineer that a Roto Split didn't even exist until 1973, and guys were cutting AC with a hacksaw or snips for 20 years previous to that. Ideal made a special "nipper" tool for cutting AC and MC armor, that had a hawk bill that would nip a coil of armor. Apparently, they don't make it anymore, but I'm sure I have one around someplace I can take a picture of.

He-he-he:grin: Thanks Marc, I just typed your name as Narc:rolleyes: Sooo, it WAS you who told on me on the new job:D

I was one week in, maybe just days when I had a long time EE tell me my method was poor. I felt like taking the bushing off and saying, "Run your fingers across that ONE chief!!!!!:grin: :cool:

My bank account told me to wait before I made a stand:grin: :D
ishium 80439 said:
Slight tangent, I had an inspector a few years ago pull out random MC termination to see if they were done w/ a splitter. They all were so I didn't have a problem but was real curious where he would have found that in the NEC
Might have been a "spec inspector" rather than the actual electrical inspector, maybe?
We have a local code requirement that all fire alarm MC cable be cut with a cutter that has "controlled depth of cut" which of course only the roto-split will do.
I don't get where the bend and snip method was of any question. A quick twist, and few knip-knips and the end is complete, (after taped redhead). That's the slack I got from the EE. I took the 15 seconds to show him on 3/4", he told me the wrong twist may scar one of the conductors. I thought, "New job, new EE's, bite your tongue"

You know, when the wifey asks, "Where have you been?" Forget it hun, I took too long:roll: He-he-he:grin: :D :D

Grin, and bear it:roll:
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