Stupidest comment you ever heard?

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* that outlet is upside down.
* electricity travles the path of least resistance
* i will have more work for you in the future [asking for a discount]
* is that your best price?

I love this post!

I love this post!

I'm on a service call trying to fix a handmans brand new home, and granted this guy is about 70 years old. He can't pass final inspection because he she nazi inspector wanted arch fault breakers and they won't hold. He looks at me and says, "You don't have to be an electrician to wire a house" I spent two days fixing his crap. Mix matched wire gauges, etc, etc etc.

Another woman woman HO acting as her own GC for her custom home said, "Why do you need to take the cans down? I know that they go in the sofet, but the don't the drywallers put those later...."

"I been hit by 240 before....." I give them the most annoyed look when I hear this.
I get this in the engineering world, but I'll bet a lot of you get it as well: "I only have a budget of $x.xx. Can you do it for that amount?"

Do you tell them that you can do $x.xx amount of work, but you're not sure if you can get the job done for that price.:grin:

My favorite is "you're an electrician, it probably doesn't hurt to get shocked any more.":confused:
"Is there anything in there that can cause a fire"?

Asked by a customer as I was searching for the cause of a voltage problem in her service panel.
Turned out to be a loose ground at the service transformer.


Yea, that is how we handle it as well. Still, they seem to expect that X will get them all they can possibly want.

Did a job and the customer made that statement his number was in the 10,000.00 dollar range my estimate was less than $6,000.00 what a dilemma for me.

As for dumbest statement a generator tech told a data center manager that the reason his engines did not parallel during an outage that dropped site, was "The rotation of the earth caused dust to fall into the ice cube relay blocking the contact closure." They had just performed maintenance 3 days earlier on the paralleling gear and generators.

I was there for a battery inspection after the outage and was asked to confirm the validity of the statement.
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I was making an electrical inspection with a homeowner, I opened the panel to inspect the service and when I pointed to a problem a huge flash went off. I pulled back as quick as I could and was puzzeled until I turned around and saw the mother in law taking pictures of my inspection.
I was making an electrical inspection with a homeowner, I opened the panel to inspect the service and when I pointed to a problem a huge flash went off. I pulled back as quick as I could and was puzzeled until I turned around and saw the mother in law taking pictures of my inspection.

LOL. Back in the old days I was working on a panel when my beeper, on vibrate and with a brand new battery in it, went off. I jumped back and threw my hands in the air and couldn't figure out why I was still getting buzzed.:grin:
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