Stupidest comment you ever heard?

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One of the dumbest I have heard and I may have posted this before, a woman on the 3rd floor of this condo was bitching because the GC had told her she could not have a skylight. She thought it was not right because all the condo owners on the 6th floor had them.

I'm still laughing about this one.

One that I did. Cust. "it worked for awhile and now it's not" Me "well the problem is that whoever installed this had no idea what they were doing" Cust "I installed it" slight pause-Me "well, see I was right."
One of the dumbest I have heard and I may have posted this before, a woman on the 3rd floor of this condo was bitching because the GC had told her she could not have a skylight. She thought it was not right because all the condo owners on the 6th floor had them.

brian that was the funniest thing i read all day. thanks for the laugh
Years back my J-man & I were troubleshooting a motor control center. The owner was standing over us saying, "I don't have time for this, install some no-blow fuses (copper tubes he cut), I need this crusher going" Well, we didn't want to, but he insisted. :mad: So. we installed the copper pipe, turned the disco on & smoked 5 transformers in the MCC. We immediately picked up our tools, told the owner we are not taking the blame & left. Never did another job for him.

that would be the day an owner tells me to install no blow fuses. i would rather get screamed at by an idiot that doesnt know anything than ruin 50,000 dollars worth of equipment. if i was that journeyman i WOULD NEVER EVER let that owner tell me what to do. he should of refused to do it and told the owner why. thats just risking the lives of you, himself, the people in the factory plus risking destroying tons of equipment
Dumbest from a licensed electrtician;
"I work hot all the time, haven't been killed yet..."
Note: I know we all have to do it once in a while, but in this situation he didn't have to, he just opened the box and started sticking his tools inside.

Dumbest from a lay person (common theme from the above posts as well);
"Crank up the dial, I don't want to have to call you out here again."

Runner up, heard from both sides of the fence;
"That soft starter (drive, controller, whatever) is over amping my motor."
that would be the day an owner tells me to install no blow fuses. i would rather get screamed at by an idiot that doesnt know anything than ruin 50,000 dollars worth of equipment. if i was that journeyman i WOULD NEVER EVER let that owner tell me what to do. he should of refused to do it and told the owner why. thats just risking the lives of you, himself, the people in the factory plus risking destroying tons of equipment

You've never installed no-blow fuses? :D

Dumbest thing ever heard from one of my apprentices.....
What does DE-LETE (pronounced deh-let-ay) mean?
He asked this while we were programming a bunch of electronic timeclocks on a large mountain retreat site, this place must have had 40 of these clocks. The clock manufacturer couldn't fit the word DELETE on the little rubber button do they put DE above LETE on the button. My reply... These clocks were made in France, that is the french word for delete.
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Years ago I was electrical foreman on a 44 room hotel addition. The concrete trucks were coming any minute when one of my electricians said he was going to get us all coffee and he'd be right back.

He didn't show, and he didn't show, and the concrete trucks came and due to the urgency at hand, the laborers threaded a lot of sticks of galvanized rigid conduit that morning. By lunch he still hadn't shown and I was livid when he finally showed up at 2:30 in the afternoon (with no coffee, either) and said "Fred, don't get your shorts in a knot. I'm going drinking tonight and I needed some extra moolah, so I've been mowing lawns for the beer money."

If he hadn't been the bosses' pet, he'd of been fired right there.
I see him from time to time and we still laugh about it. :D:D
Installed a 20 amp circuit for a jetted (whirlpool) tub. About 3 months after the folks moved, the GC ask me to call them because the board fried on the tub. Not my problem, but okay, I'll call. Lady says that the outlet was giving to much power to the board. She said the factory guy said that the instructions call for a dedicated 15 amp GFI circuit, and I have the tub on a 20 amp. I asked for the factory guys number and called him, he said that he talked to an engineer at the factory and the engineer told him that that the 20 amp outlet gives to much power to the unit.

I called the factory engineer (had to hear it for myself). Sure enough, he claimed the same thing and said that the factory would not install the new board unless I put it on a 15 amp circuit. Whatever, but I went over anyway and installed a 15 amp breaker and GFI on the #12 wire.

She called me last week and said that the board fried again. (And again... not my problem).
Actually in that case it would not be your job site it would be the bosses. Do you let your own employees dictate to you who they will or will not work with? :-? :smile:

If they want me to be responsible for running the job, then I have some say about who they send me.

If someone disappears for 7 hours with no notice, and no good reason, they can have the boss find another job site to go to.
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