Stupidest comment you ever heard?

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I was installing recessed lights in the ceiling of a pricey condo. The HO was an EE.
He asked me if I was going to connect the lights in series or parallel.

Maybe he designed runway lighting:roll:
Customer: "I wired the new switch just like the old one".

Customer installed a single pole where a 3way went, and wired one traveler to the ground.
I ran into that once, with a metal cover plate and an ungrounded box. Yikes.


Client: "I tried to reset the breaker but it wouldn't hold..and the smoke kept coming from the amplifier."

Me: "Then why didn't you leave the breaker alone?"

Client: "Because I thought if I could get it to reset the smoke would stop."

Me: "Ummmmm didn't you notice that the smoke got worse every time you reset the breaker? "

Client "Yeah, every time it tripped. "

Me *Sighs*

The client wasn't bright enough to correlate the lag in the cloud of smoke appearing right after the breaker tripped...he thought the power cutting OFF was causing the smoke. :roll:
Did you check the ground rod?
I replaced the GFCI with a regular outlet cause it kept tripping. (sump pump)
Show up to a site where a concrete guy got hung up using a rebar bender.
Lucky someone was smart enough to unplug the frayed cord he was
using before the guy died. Concrete Foreman asked;"120 volts can't really
kill you right?"

Data guy; "I know the plans call for 3/4 stubs for data but,can you install
1 1/4 these new Cat 5's seem to stick in the pipe."

IT guy;"If we fed our servers with 480 would it make the room cooler?
< reduced current>

Supply House.. I order 1 1/4 EMT and 1 1/4 fittings. Drivers shows up.
1 1/2 EMT and 1 1/4 fittings. The supply house's response;"That's
all we had."

This happened three weeks ago. Supply house driver calls me on the
radio saying he's on site with my material. I look outside and don't see him.
I radio back," are you at xxxx address?" Driver, "Yep". I look around again.
No driver. I radio back,"Does the building your at say,"xxxx Address,xxxx name?" Driver, "No but the building across the street does." Long pause.
Driver, "Are you here?"
One of the dumbest I have heard and I may have posted this before, a woman on the 3rd floor of this condo was bitching because the GC had told her she could not have a skylight. She thought it was not right because all the condo owners on the 6th floor had them.
Was in a big box store talking to the electrical guy. A very stern and irritated appearing woman came down the isle with a very meek looking guy pushing the cart. While we talked she stood looking at the switches making tsking noises. Finaly the store guy asked if he could help. The woman, pointing at the guy with the cart, responded with "I want to know if he needs a 3 way or a 4 way switch" The store guy told her it depended on wether he was wiring a 3 or a 4 way circuit. He then told her that it appeared that what she realy needed to do was to hire a qualified electrician. Her response to that I can not print here, but it did involve an act that I believe to be physicaly impossible to preform. As she left we were both wondering if she would let the poor dude she was with turn off the power before making him work on something he was obviously clueless about.:smile:
I had a 15 minute genius (guys who learn our entire trade in 15 minutes) once tell me that wiring was easy but he did get shocked from a 240 volt ground because he thought it was the negative but it must have been the positive instead!!:D
I overheard an electrician's helper in a supply house once asking why he would get shocked while working on electric baseboard heat. "After all", he said, "I had the thermostat turned all the way over to the left". The counter sales guy inquired "Was it a single pole t-stat"? The helper said "I don't know". :D
Years back my J-man & I were troubleshooting a motor control center. The owner was standing over us saying, "I don't have time for this, install some no-blow fuses (copper tubes he cut), I need this crusher going" Well, we didn't want to, but he insisted. :mad: So. we installed the copper pipe, turned the disco on & smoked 5 transformers in the MCC. We immediately picked up our tools, told the owner we are not taking the blame & left. Never did another job for him.
Years back my J-man & I were troubleshooting a motor control center. The owner was standing over us saying, "I don't have time for this, install some no-blow fuses (copper tubes he cut), I need this crusher going" Well, we didn't want to, but he insisted. :mad: So. we installed the copper pipe, turned the disco on & smoked 5 transformers in the MCC. We immediately picked up our tools, told the owner we are not taking the blame & left. Never did another job for him.

Ron, I think I know this guy, doesn't happen to be on the way to Laramie does it? If I'm right, he hasn't changed a bit and I have inherited this customer from you. We simply refuse to do the things he asks us to, usually just smile and nod, then proceed to make the repairs correctly.
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