Taking Ohio Masters test tommorow- Any Advice?

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I am taking my test tommorow and am pretty nervous. Any advice would be great. Thanks

I would try to work through the list of questions once, spending a short amount of time on each. Then when you go through it again, you'll have knocked off a large percentage, and as the clock ticks down you can feel secure that you didn't miss easy questions because of time constraints.

Good luck! And welcome to the forum!
I am taking my test tommorow and am pretty nervous. Any advice would be great. Thanks
Since when does Ohio have a Master Electrician test???

As far as I know (or knew :roll:) we only have the Electrical Contractors exam. I'd say passing the exam qualifies the person as a master electrician, but again as far as I know, there is no such thing as a Master Electrician license.
Since when does Ohio have a Master Electrician test???

As far as I know (or knew :roll:) we only have the Electrical Contractors exam. I'd say passing the exam qualifies the person as a master electrician, but again as far as I know, there is no such thing as a Master Electrician license.

Agreed. As far as I know, you either hold a contractor's license, work for a company that holds one, work for an employment agency and are rented to contractors, or don't do electrical work legally.
I've never figured out the loophole for maintenance personell installing in large facilities, I think there is one, and I bet it is smaller than everyone assumes :roll:.

But here, apprentice, journeyman, and master are only union terms.
Unreated to the OP and the drain of the test; :grin: I hope all went well!

master status Each individual occupies a number of status positions, some ascribed (such as sex or race), and some achieved (such as educational level or occupation). The master status of an individual is one which, in most or all social situations, will overpower or dominate all other statuses. The term was coined by American sociologist Everett Hughes in the 1940s, with special reference to race. Occupation, race, and sex may all function as master statuses in Western societies, and can produce powerful contradictions and social dilemmas when important status positions contradict perceived. Based on this WEB page
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Well it was a real tough test. 110 questions in 5 hours. After awhile all the questions seemed to jumble up in my head. I needed a 70 percent. Good news is I PASSED with a 75. Thanks for your help.
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