Taping parellel cables together

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Would we be able to get by 310.10(H)(1) and 300.3(B) with #12 romex if we taped the cables together the entire way?
I think you would be fine if you could get UL out to the jobsite to "field list" it. seems like a decent idea. One less thing to stock on the van.
310.10 H is for conductors in parallel. You cannot parallel wires under 1/0 except in very rare circumstances
That's what I am asking. Would taping the romex together pass for this? I was told that it would, and it's a viable option for running 3-way switches without needing to buy 6 conductor romex.
That's what I am asking. Would taping the romex together pass for this? I was told that it would, and it's a viable option for running 3-way switches without needing to buy 6 conductor romex.
With NM cable you could do that but not for a parallel setup. What you are talking about, I believe, is running 2 wire Nm between 3 ways. You would not need to tape the wires together however if the feed is taped with the travellers then you would not have high emf's.

300.4 allows non ferrous wiring methods to have conductors run in different cables. I don't see where the parallel aspect is pertinent.
I see. I'm still confused on how to wire this 3-way. I thought the 3-way would have 3 parallels to go to each light but run between the switches.
I have seen EC's take a feed in one 3 way, then run a 2 wire nm to the second 3 way. From there they usually have the same feed hit the second box but the cables are not taped together and then the switch leg is connected to the neutral from one cable and the point wire of the other switch. The separation of neutral and hot conductors will create high emf's which, however, is compliant with nm cable.
I see. I'm still confused on how to wire this 3-way. I thought the 3-way would have 3 parallels to go to each light but run between the switches.

Well, your definitely going to need six wires between the two light fixtures. I would use two 3 wires taped together or our shop would sell them a motion switch. this way the tech would not have to look up how to trouble shoot it on the interweb.
Smurf tube

Smurf tube

Would we be able to get by 310.10(H)(1) and 300.3(B) with #12 romex if we taped the cables together the entire way?

If you want to get into the business of building your own cables, why not just use smurf tube and THHN conductors. It would have the added advantage of being a recognized wiring method?
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