Today I was a plumber....

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emahler said:
here is food for my area it's not uncommon for plumbers to get upwards of $10 a foot to trench and put a 4" empty PVC in the ground for, for example a 50' run from the house to the curb for $5000+/-

Hopefull they are better at math, 50' x $10/foot = $500 :smile:

See, they really don't make more money, we just think so because we are told so.
hardworkingstiff said:
Hopefull they are better at math, 50' x $10/foot = $500 :smile:

See, they really don't make more money, we just think so because we are told so.


it didn't seem right when I typed it, but i went with it anyway...

alas, they get $100/ft...not $10...and yes, i know plumbers who will get $5k for that installation....what can I say, i'm not smart enough to be a plumber:shrug:
emahler said:
alas, they get $100/ft...not $10...and yes, i know plumbers who will get $5k for that installation

When the customer is told the price for a "dig 'em up" like that they very ofen have a backed up mess in their basement to deal with as well. They might pay $10,000. with that sort of motivation.

Aren't too many emergency "heavy ups" being done, are there?

That said, it still seems like too many EC's agree to to low a price.
BryanMD said:
Aren't too many emergency "heavy ups" being done, are there?

That said, it still seems like too many EC's agree to to low a price.

Actually, "unexpected" is more like it. Already shelling out big $$$ for the new Central A/C or the new IG swimming pool with optional hottub... and find out a service upgrade is unavoidable.
keesha said:
Why do suppose that is?

It's so simple. There are too many electricians. Everybody wants to be an electrician, people comprimise and become plumbers.

From my perspective the problem is getting worse - used to be the more rigorous academic requirements of being an electrician scared people off. But they've dumbed it down, so that 'everybody' gets through now.

The plumbers on site look at the personal tools electricians are required to show up with to earn a wage and laugh at our stupidity.

Plumbers can be civil to each other because their respective slice of the pie is big enough. Get them down to a few pastry crumbs and plumbers will bv slicing each others throat.

Wibber said:
It's so simple. There are too many electricians. Everybody wants to be an electrician, people comprimise and become plumbers.

From my perspective the problem is getting worse - used to be the more rigorous academic requirements of being an electrician scared people off. But they've dumbed it down, so that 'everybody' gets through now.

I think that is actually the opposite of "statistics" show.
keesha said:
OK, You bid your $75/hr and I'll bid $40/ so I get the job, but wait.. Someone else needs cash so they bid $30/...
Before you know it some jerk is paying the customer for the privilage to work!!!
Don't say it's not happening.

Some guys just think that if they get a check their making money.
I love it.

Thats what I meen.

yeah, but they don't do it for long. The bills start coming in and they go back to working for someone else and tell everyone owning your own business is to much of a pain.
aline said:
The outlet I installed works every bit as good as the outlet that expensive electrician would have installed! Who needs a box when you've got silicone.

That guy didn't need a box to keep the ends of the romex from getting wet with all that silicone.
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