Tub space and receptacles

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Yes both....per prescriptive as written.
Greg suppose there was no alcove but a wall that ran parallel with the tub and that recep. was mounted there.

In other words, install the receptacle 90 degrees to the right of where it is and say the wall had a counter. Thus the outlet could be closer to the tub and still serve the countertop. Like this picture below only over the counter. You still call that a violation? Tub is to the right and sink to the left.

Greg suppose there was no alcove but a wall that ran parallel with the tub and that recep. was mounted there.

In other words, install the receptacle 90 degrees to the right of where it is and say the wall had a counter. Thus the outlet could be closer to the tub and still serve the countertop. Like this picture below only over the counter. You still call that a violation? Tub is to the right and sink to the left.


both outlets are legal here...#1 is clearly not in tub space and #2 is over the decking, not the tub. (assuming #2 is past the ovel part of the tub strait out)
In your opinion it is in the tub space, that is not a fact.:smile:

Bob educate me define tub/shower stall/space .:smile: I am not being difficult just learning from all here. Heck If we knew it all we would be walking on water. This is so open to interpretation.
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Bob educate me define tub/shower stall/space .:smile: I am not being difficult just learning from all here. Heck If we knew it all we would be walking on water. This is so open to interpretation.

In my own opinion the tub space is only the area over the tub, not an area 12" back from the tub.:smile:

I still do not like it.
This is a very tough inspection!
There is only a few places to be defined as "a space" in our NEC Code, or let my say it this way that this space is dedicated by it application/equipment that installed in this "space".

Or another way to think of it:

One will install walls in a room it's space is defined by the walls around it, this space is then determined and it future use is named by the equipment that will be installed in this space, Kitchen, Bathroom, utility room.

The point being that if you go on this premise of walls that is now a defined
and determining limit of what one (we) can do in this "space".

I'm going to say the alcove is part of the bath "space" the picture didn't show it but it looks like or might I assume, that the only access to this space is via the tub. The alcove becomes part of the tub space, but I beleive the Code states from the edge of tub.

Well OK, then by the code the alcove is not part of the Tub space, but by access it is part of the tub! What a mess!

I can't beleive they put the second (picture) receptical so close to the edge anywas,for one thing the use of broad facisa boards are all the rage and even with a standard facisa board (window molding) it'd still be tight and look bad.

Thanks for the pictures!
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So what is your definition of "tub space" then? :-?

I have no idea and did not say I had one. What is yours? Look at 406.8(C) Bath Tub and Shower Space. Receptacles shall not be installed within or directly over a bath tub or shower stall......The point is this is open for interpretation. Two key words here "space and stall" See the problem?
I have always taken the position that if the receptacle is accessed from the bathtub then it is in the bathtub space. I would fail both.

I respectfully disagree. The receptacle in the first picture is not in the bathtub space IMHO.

Again I personally don't like the location of either receptacle, but IMHO the receptacle in the first picture is code compliant.

It's possible that, despite the #12, the box in pic 2 is for a switch, not a receptacle. If I'm correct, what are the opinions?
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