I am going back to this site on Tuesday or Wedsnesday...there were fire rated walls that had box penetrations they have to remediate.
I will ask about the meyers hubs. I did ask the forman during this inspection, he just shook his head...maybe an apprentice did this, I will see if I can find out. This forman is a very bright guy, he has his head in the book a lot and asks more questions than you guys do. :wink:
Yes, I did accept the ty wrapped support for PVC.
This job has some other interest electrical stuff going on that I have not seen. If the pictures come out good, I will post some.
On this job site I have already taken more than 1000 pics over the last 2 years
...good stuff! - there is a double 4000A 480v service on this property)
In more than 2 years of inspections here, I have not written one violation...we have a very good working relationship here...we discuss the job just about weekly.