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The NEC will tell you what motors and other equipment are acceptable for the area classification the equipment is going to. Take a close look at articles 500 and 501. we really cannot select or design equipment for you from 10,000 miles away and only knowing bits and pieces of what you are doing.

Normally when you buy something like a compressor that is going into a classified area you would buy it designed to be suitable for the classification of the area. It pretty much either is or is not suitable as you bought it. The manufacturer should be able to tell you whether it is suitable or not. If they can't tell you it is suitable, it probably is not.

Bob thanks for help.

I Found a hard copy for UL 1203 but I did not find a reply for the relation between UL 1203 in C1D2 because this standard talks about enclosure test, thickness,pressure test, temp test...without specifying any details about the requirements for anything except enclosures. :):D

Also your reply is clear like 501.1 Scope.

thanks a lot.
sorry, it is listed for unclassified area.but according to NEC code i can use it in C1D2 because it is hermetically sealed and there is no make and break .

"Hermetically sealed compressor motor" in this case means something entirely different than what the NEC hermetically sealed contacts suitability for CL.I, Div. 2 mean. That would not be the primary determinant why you can use it in a CLass I, Div. 2 area. Thta it has no arcing components and it's operating temperature is not expected to be above 80% the AIT.
Bob thanks for help.

I Found a hard copy for UL 1203 but I did not find a reply for the relation between UL 1203 in C1D2 because this standard talks about enclosure test, thickness,pressure test, temp test...without specifying any details about the requirements for anything except enclosures. :):D

Also your reply is clear like 501.1 Scope.

thanks a lot.

The NEC does not require equipment be listed to UL1203 to go into a classified area.

The NEC will tell you what the requirements are for a particular piece of equipment, and that will lead you to what listing (if any) is required for that piece of equipment.

Many things that can be used in non-classified areas (usually called general purpose equipment) can also be used in a C1D2 area. The code will tell you if that is allowed for a particular piece of equipment, and under what conditions it can be used.

We cannot design equipment or select components for you. We can try to point you in the right direction, but that is about it.
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