romexking said:
I don't have an adversarial relationship with my customers as most of your posts would indicate is your relationship with all employer is.
My relationship is not adversarial, it's simply black and white. In fact, my relationship is easier on both parties. There's no wiggle room. Everyone knows the boundaries and where the lines are drawn. I work x hours, you pay x hours. I supply these tools, you supply everything else. This is the hourly rate of pay and benefits, period.
Either the employer and employee meet their end of the bargian or the relationship is over. There are no sudden changes in the rules. No "from now on, I'm holding back 2 weeks pay instead of one or, from now on, employees are to provide their own power tools, or, from now on, employees are to show up 1/2 hour early and work for free because I don't think I should have to pay for unproductive shop time despite the fact that it is necessary to run my business..."
The issue I think that troubles you here is that you cannot fathom an employer/employee relationship where the employee has any real say-so , or the employer doesn't get to make any rule he can dream up because it's "his" business.
When push comes to shove, it all boils down to the almighty dollar. Nobody's out there contracting or working for a contractor for the fun of it. Neither you nor your employees are an an altruistic crusade to just go out every day and do good electrical work for the glory of it. The contractor's goal is to sell his services for as much as possible and keep expenses as little as possible. And an employees goal is to work for the highest possible wage. Ever have an employee ask for a reduction? I didn't think so.
are you saying that everyone has the same goals in life? What is your MAIN goal in life? It's not always about money for everyone.
Of course not. But nobodys goal is to work for less. Nobodys goal is to starve to death.
Your one dimensional view on all employee/employer matter really does a disservice to your union cause.
Really? I don't think promoting fair compensation for employees and empowering them to seek a position where they do not have to beg for a reasonable quality of life is a one dimensional view. I know it's not the view that some employers like. And I know that for some, any point of view that doesn't put the companys profits before anything else is frowned upon.
In basic terms, what you're saying is "agree with me or we're all doomed to failure." That's just not true. If you fail, another will take your place. That doesn't mean I wish to see you fail, but your success should not depend on manipulation.
Keep this in mind...I've been an employee, and now as a contractor I can say that I don't need people with your attitude and mind set. I can make money without any employees, but can you get a paycheck without a contractor?
With or without sidework, I can get a paycheck without a contractor. If every contractor packed it in tomorrow there would still be electrical work. You didn't invent it. You don't have a patent on it.
What has occured over the years is the sheer quantity of contractors has risen to such a degree that you're no longer competing with each other on management skills, you're forcing your employees to compete against other employees in a race to the bottom.
Oh yeah, non union side work. By the way, what benefits do you pay your side work helpers? Do you contribute to their H&W or pension? If not, what makes you any different than the many contractors on this site that you bash except that you probably don't pay employment taxes or workers comp?
I do not hire employees, so that argument is moot.