DAWGS said:Good for them if they can get more. My modow is make it so they can't afford to leave. I don't care what their goals are, I'm their employeer not their father its not my place to tell them how to handle their money. If they choose to buy beer and fast food with their raise thats fine, I know they will show up the next morning at my job sites.
wireman71 said:Sorry but it is about money as an employee. You can pretend it's not but it is. Plain and simple. Your employees work for you to make money.
Start at minimum wage with no benifits and work from their.Loose your employee mentality and gain an employer mentality.You want employees at the lowest possible cost,raises and bennies are how you retain the best employees.When looking for employees do not advertise what your are paying just put pay based on expierience.Find out what the pay is for your market.Always offer less than you are willing to pay and less than what they will request on the application.
wireman71 said:Sorry but it is about money as an employee. You can pretend it's not but it is. Plain and simple. Your employees work for you to make money.
Was supposd to quote something.. LOL! But it's true. All this BS by employers about how they don't have to pay as much because of something or another.. Do what works for you!
tmbrk said:I liked the fact that if I worked harder than the next guy I would be rewarded for it. Nothing is worse for morale than to see the guy next to you slacking off everyday yet making the same wages and benefits as you.
I went out on my own because I wanted to push myself even further.
Not everyone thinks the same.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:That's one way of looking at it. But if you examine the economics of contracting, there are few that can afford to keep any slacker on the payroll. I rather like the method where if you cannot produce to an acceptable standard, you hit the bricks, instead of utilizing substandard help at a lower rate. Would you go to a $50.00 doctor when the rest demand $100.00?
tmbrk said:If I was forced under contract to keep going to a substandard doctor because if I didn't all the other doctors would go on strike I guess I would have to.
I have worked union and non-union and I personally saw just how hard it was to get rid of a slacker.
tmbrk said:I worked at one job where the foreman finally gave up trying to get rid of a slacker because everyone down at the hall started calling him ( the foreman) a "company man" and his "brothers" turned their backs on him. So yes the rest of us had to work side by side with him (the slacker) knowing he was making the same wages and benfits.
LawnGuyLandSparky said:Well I wasn't there, but if you want to lay someone off and everyone from the hall (I assume you're referring to business agents) and all of the journeyman on the jobsite disagreed with the foreman's actions, and turned their backs in disgust, that the problem wasn't "slacking."