Wedding band?

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HaskinsElectric said:
It's no secret that I have multiple user names, it funny how you reveal this fact as if it's some sort of crime. As for your nonsensical accusation that I have been "misleading people" I'd be interested in seeing some proof of that.

Again, I'm pleased that you have not disputed the fact that dissenting opinion is not tolerated here. Attempting to change the subject and attack me for having multiple user names is a childish ruse.

Where's that Kleenex George? Just picking:D

Why do you have so many user names? Do you find it useful, or was it an evolution thing, or forgetfulness or what? I'm just curious, no defense necessary.
mivey said:

Why do you have so many user names? Do you find it useful, or was it an evolution thing, or forgetfulness or what? I'm just curious, no defense necessary.

I do it because the moderators have banned me from this forum many times. In fact, I have over 30 user names on this forum and more that have been banned.

The moderators look for common ip addresses so to circumvent banning, I create user accounts using proxy servers.

I'm never profane, I never attack other users, but I'm the constant target of harassment so I have to come up with countermeasures.

Why go to all the trouble? This is a great forum, I like it here.
HaskinsElectric said:
Wow, that Roger is a post deleting machine! He may not have to work, but I do! Gotta get to work, later!

I'm at work.

mivey said:
... trying to find the 24 other user names :grin:

No, they are no more of a concern to me than the banned user names are. :grin:

I've left the post from "Victim" for comedy's sake, but I've banned your second (third?) membername, Haskins. Let's keep things simple around here, ey? :)
Man, I hadn't read the last four pages before doing that. Looks like I have some more work to do, too. :D

Someday, I will have to set some time aside to investigate the appeal of trolling.
I was gonna stay out of this but... I have to say that I find so much humor and diversity and down out amusment in those Haskin's Electric posts. A little levity never hurts.

God luck, RR wherever you are.:grin:

I don't get no respect!

I don't get no respect!

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