Well that was depre$$ing

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peter d said:
I think I am....

Damn it man! Cut the crap already. I have hardly posted anything on this site. Now I do and I get your nonsense. I'm not trying to waste time but I guess that's what I'm doing.
CHWflorida said:
Damn it man! Cut the crap already. I have hardly posted anything on this site. Now I do and I get your nonsense. I'm not trying to waste time but I guess that's what I'm doing.

Fine. Yes, I'm an electrician. Not an EC, engineer, or anything else related to the trade. Just a plain old electrician.
peter d said:
Fine. Yes, I'm an electrician. Not an EC, engineer, or anything else related to the trade. Just a plain old electrician.

OK. Do you bill customers, and if so, what is the hourly rate, and what region do you work in, if that's not too much to ask?
CHWflorida said:
OK. Do you bill customers, and if so, what is the hourly rate, and what region do you work in, if that's not too much to ask?

I do not bill customers, but I know the hourly rate of the company that I work for. I would rather not reveal it publicly on this forum as I do not have permission to do so. My area is southern New England.
peter d said:
I do not bill customers, but I know the hourly rate of the company that I work for. I would rather not reveal it publicly on this forum as I do not have permission to do so. My area is southern New England.

Well I figured there must have been some reason you wouldn't say. I, myself, am anonymous on this site and it wouldn't matter if I weren't. I guess the only reason I started on this rant is because I was sick of seeing someone reveal their prices and then a bunch of others criticizing him without saying where they think he should be or where they're at as far as pricing. Just seems stupid to me.
CHWflorida said:
Well I figured there must have been some reason you wouldn't say.

I will say this, my personal opinion is that my boss does not charge enough. Remember that New England is a high cost part of the nation, especially for businesses, yet many contractors rates do not reflect that here.
CHWflorida said:
Well I figured there must have been some reason you wouldn't say. I, myself, am anonymous on this site and it wouldn't matter if I weren't. I guess the only reason I started on this rant is because I was sick of seeing someone reveal their prices and then a bunch of others criticizing him without saying where they think he should be or where they're at as far as pricing. Just seems stupid to me.

I don't think anyone is critcizing. We all want to make a buck. It's just that there is a bottom line as far as billable hours will go. $60/hr seems like alot of money compared to someones salary, but when figuring in just the basics in O/H it just seems a bit low.

Not too many ECs will give their billable hourly rates on a public forum as it is proprietary information.

BTW, we don't bill out per hour. We flat rate.
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powerslave said:
I don't think anyone is critcizing. We all want to make a buck. It's just that there is a bottom line as far as billable hours will go. $60/hr seems like alot of money compared to someones salary, but when figuring in just the basics in O/H it just seems a bit low.

Not too many ECs will give their billable hourly rates on a public forum as it is proprietary information.

BTW, we don't bill out per hour. We flat rate.

Fair enough. But don't get me wrong. I don't care if the guys feelings get hurt, I'm just saying, I was just a spectator in this thread and I wanted to see how much better the other side charging. I knew most would say our rates were low and that's why I said them. Only one person said what he thinks they should be (or what his are, anyway). It doesn't necessarily have to be your exact rates if you wish to keep that secret, just the "proper going rates". Hey, I could be full of crap (I'm not), but I,m not representing anyone here.
a game?

a game?

CHWflorida said:
Fair enough. But don't get me wrong. I don't care if the guys feelings get hurt, I'm just saying, I was just a spectator in this thread and I wanted to see how much better the other side charging. I knew most would say our rates were low and that's why I said them. Only one person said what he thinks they should be (or what his are, anyway). It doesn't necessarily have to be your exact rates if you wish to keep that secret, just the "proper going rates". Hey, I could be full of crap (I'm not), but I,m not representing anyone here.
So you were just playing a game?? Why did you get mad?:confused:
CHWflorida said:
just the "proper going rates".
I think some will tell you that there is no such thing as a "going rate". There is a proper rate, which will vary from company to company, even in the same market. There are also rates that are too low, which are somewhat easy to spot. What's difficult (indeed, maybe impossible on a forum) to say is how much too low a certain low rate might be. Take the waving of a red flag at a perceived low rate as encouragement to investigate the real cost of doing business. Anyone else's rate is completely irrevelant, and should not even be considered for a split-second.
mdshunk said:
I think some will tell you that there is no such thing as a "going rate". There is a proper rate, which will vary from company to company, even in the same market. There are also rates that are too low, which are somewhat easy to spot. What's difficult (indeed, maybe impossible on a forum) to say is how much too low a certain low rate might be. Take the waving of a red flag at a perceived low rate as encouragement to investigate the real cost of doing business. Anyone else's rate is completely irrevelant, and should not even be considered for a split-second.

Very well put. I'm sure most will agree with that. That's the kind of reasoning I wish people would use more often on this site. Coming from you it will not be disputed. Unfortunately my words would not carry such weight.
mdshunk said:
I think some will tell you that there is no such thing as a "going rate". There is a proper rate, which will vary from company to company, even in the same market. There are also rates that are too low, which are somewhat easy to spot. What's difficult (indeed, maybe impossible on a forum) to say is how much too low a certain low rate might be. Take the waving of a red flag at a perceived low rate as encouragement to investigate the real cost of doing business. Anyone else's rate is completely irrevelant, and should not even be considered for a split-second.

I agree. Too many business people (not just ECs) look at the "going rate" and base their price on that. You have to figure in all of your specific costs to find your true rate.
powerslave said:
I agree. Too many business people (not just ECs) look at the "going rate" and base their price on that. You have to figure in all of your specific costs to find your true rate.

The problem is, if they actually do the math based on their expenses, too many end up with a (realistic) figure they think is too high and can't be sold. They say to themselves, "How can I stay in business if I'm charging $125 an hour, and my competition is charging only $100? Who is going to hire me? I've GOT to charge $90/hour just to keep working."
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