What should be on a masters exam

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wbalsam1 said:
Please explain your comment re "3"...
I've PM'edyour grade

300.14 Where the opening to an outlet, junction, or switch point is less than 200 mm (8 in.) in any dimension, each conductor shall be long enough to extend at least 75 mm (3 in.) outside the opening.
chris kennedy said:

Thanks for the explanation, Chris. If I ever use this test again, I'll clarify this question. :smile: The precision of language is really important when you're grading someone's opportunity to practice their livelihood within a given community.
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As to Marc what does licensing do NUMBER one it is an additional tax. For me it was a raise for everyone I had, So tax bad raise good.

For the business part of the exam, well in my case I would flunk (without studying as I do little from that end of the business.

Recently in this area they are requiring CEU's for masters, most masters I know have little to do with the electrical end once the business is up and running (other than me and one or two others*). I do feel it can't hurt and really think it is important for the J-men to continually educate themselves.

None of the courses I have taken in the last 5 years, qualify in the states and/or counties that require CEU's where I am licensed. I feel these courses are WAY better than one Saturday 8 hour cram NEC update class that may cover mostly residential (over the years I have taken refresher classes as the NEC changed, most at that time were around residential stuff). The classes I attended were 2-5 day classes covering grounding, lightning, IR, OCPs, batteries, ATS's.

Trying to have qualifed men in the field from a state county stand point is a tuff cookie.
10. The maximum number of size 18 awg THHN conductors permitted in 3/8" liquid-tight flexible metal conduit having fittings outside of the conduit is:
A. 9
B. 8
C. 7
D. 6

11. If type SE or USE cable consists of two or more conductors, one shall be permitted to be uninsulated.
A. True
B. False

12. Flat nonmetallic-sheathed cable is permitted to be stapled on edge when two cables are doubled under the same staple.
A. True
B. False
chris kennedy said:
10) Typo 18 thhn?
11) a
12) b

No typo. 18 awg thhn. :smile: Note: this test was based on the '99 NEC (Table 350-12), and 3/8" is no longer allowed. see 350.20 '05 NEC.
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wbalsam1 said:
No typo. 18 awg thhn. :smile: Note: this test was based on the '99 NEC (Table 350-12), and 3/8" is no longer allowed. see 350.20 '05 NEC.

Wouldn't that make the this question null / void out-right ? !
If you touched it under 05' (regional) code ? You can't let it stay in 3/8"
if there one bad circuit in the mass of circuits. Or in other words if it had to be serviced in any way it would have to be changed out and not left in a 3/8

I ran into this, take a test earlier this week, I didn't take any of them cause I assume it was closed book (and not mentioned either way)

Can you be sure to mention which year you might be working under, this type situation might make a smart person look average, or a average person look "other"... its just a thought.

I frankly Hate, "Oh yeah by the way, situations... "
cadpoint said:
Wouldn't that make the this question null / void out-right ? !
If you touched it under 05' (regional) code ? You can't let it stay in 3/8"
if there one bad circuit in the mass of circuits. Or in other words if it had to be serviced in any way it would have to be changed out and not left in a 3/8

I ran into this, take a test earlier this week, I didn't take any of them cause I assume it was closed book (and not mentioned either way)

Can you be sure to mention which year you might be working under, this type situation might make a smart person look average, or a average person look "other"... its just a thought.

I frankly Hate, "Oh yeah by the way, situations... "

Yes. If I ever send these questions out again to a municipality I will have to check them over for their appropriateness to NEC edition in use.
As a matter of fact, if I post any more here, I'll shape them for the '05. :smile:
Fred is from NY...we are not considering using the '08 for a long time to come...maybe he is like me and we are not paying too much attention to the '08.

Fred will let you know if I am off the mark.

P.S. I just started highlighting my '08 NEC today....
chris kennedy said:
That will be handy in 2023 when you adopt it.

By then (2023) CMP's will be comprised entirely by manufacturer's best sales personnel and the ICC will have succumbed to the rigorous pressures of the newly formed, consortium of wholly-owned, world-wide standards-writing corporations.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

The population of Jay, NY will have swelled to over 700 people (counting all 4 families) and most of the town's folks will have ceased to burn wood. Kerosene-powered tv's will be a thing of the past and our zip code will no longer be EIEIO. :D Ah! Progress. Ain't she beautiful?
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