I have used a couple 30 over the years. Canopy lights, chop saw circuit, couple other places. The SQD display in the store is stupid, 10 spots for 30, 10 for the 15s and 10 for the 20s which are always empty, 9 30's left, seems they would get a grasp on this???????????
As for the electrician and the definitions,,, the more I study the more I realize I am not.
I qualify here as installer of electric equipment and maintenance electrician. I found an apprentice sign up card in an o;d book from the ;ate 80's maybe, forgot to send it in. Now they want real proof of hours recorded and I dont spose reading Bob and Don count. It was pretty obvious that there have been guys made it thru without understanding the real concept behind a box connector, that was never that big a mystery. I got by a long time due to design, did a lot of stuff wrong at times, I copied a lot, I learned to punchlist a service and my installs look right, fool, a lot of people in that respect.
Can go to dinner with the inspectors and to the bar with the guys and even bout got killed running a job when someone told them I was not really one of the gang,,, ha
I regret not taking up a couple offers but,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I dont have the legit hours to record in the system and really dont have the math and to tell the absolute truth dont know anything about electric which is a different skill set than being a wireman or installer.
I had a guy start splaining to me some of the details and thought he would corner me on something and asked,,, what size conductors on 480 single for ball park lights, was going to prove the fos concept and I say 500 MCM or such for the close ones and 750 for the longand he about pee,,, something the handyman type wouldnt grasp but not really such a genius on my behalf, just simply had done one and I can memorize. I saw a case the other day, 4 year guy, asked what wire to the rods and he knows a lot other people dont and says,,, I dont have my code book with me.
Now being Capt Obvious,,, I couldnt tell the theory but how hard is it to remember 6 to the rods for 200?
I doubt I could pass a test, I might with some study but the calcs would give me a problem but do have good test taking skills so who knows.
So when do we consider themselves this?? To real electricians I am not,,, I say welder that knows the difference between the green or bare and the white wire, to a cutie that is having trouble with a dryer outlet,,, I am, have a couple inspectors think I am and I dont say any different. I keep it in context.
I have service and rewire for friend of a friend coming up, its a mess, takes a bit of experience to understand what was done etc,, told my secretary a bit about this. While I dont carry the paper here on this job I am a master at, I failed 2 insp in about 90 or so, put something in the wall I shouldnt and something on an an entrance on a mobil and that is the last time.