Who is responsible?

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After seeing what jp morgan did to Tesla I consider him a dirtbag and that goes for edison too. Greedy dirtbags. I swear if I could find a way to finance it I would love to finish the waldyncliff project. It is around the corner from my house and promised free electricity for every household.

JP & Westinghouse stealing money to this day. Wish Tesla won.
I've worked for other EC's that had several other workers on PW jobs but did not inform or pay them PW. Several years after the job was completed some of the workers filed a complaint with the Labor Board in NY state and were awarded the appropriate compensation by the EC. They apparently kept track of their time on the job and kept good records. IMHO, if you know the job is a PW job, keep your records straight and pay the employees accordingly. Don't get bogged down with "who's responsible". Otherwise, it mayl come back and bite you in the end (no pun intended).;)

I am the employee.
Nobody has that responsability. It is the responsability of the employer to pay the prevailing wage. It doesn't matter if the employee is ever informed, but he might figure it out when he gets his paycheck. Now if the employee is a union worker he won't see a difference in his check so he may never know it is a prevailing wage project.

How would he figure it out when he gets his paycheck if he is not informed that its a prevailing wage job?
Cities, counties, and state governments are also often under other Davis Bacon act type laws - not just federal - and many of them differ...

Interesting, I did not know that, I need to do more reading on the "Davis-Bacon Act". Thanks
Then you're responsible for informing yourself.:D

Thats what I'm doing now because someone took the time to inform me, but what about in the past when all I was told was you need to do this job. The job I'm working now is PW, I didn't get paid PW, the boss says he was not informed of this until after the bid, GC told me thats BS, boss also told me he's not sure about the definition of "electrician" that was givin in the PW paperwork, not sure what his thinking here is, it says an electrician will be payed $22.72 + $7.83 seems cut and dry to me.
Then you're responsible for informing yourself.:D
Actually your employer is responsable for just paying you the right wage - which I can tell you is no easy task to find out and comply with all of the many rules of what that is. They change often, locations of the information move... I have only been looking into PW stuff for the last 2~3 years - My take on it is - there a people 'organizations' writing these rules constantly changing them so that you DO mess up. Often 2-3 changes in the rules per year, and here at least, if you mess up, you'll never get another PW job ever again... If they have their way....
Thats what I'm doing now because someone took the time to inform me, but what about in the past when all I was told was you need to do this job. The job I'm working now is PW, I didn't get paid PW, the boss says he was not informed of this until after the bid, GC told me thats BS, boss also told me he's not sure about the definition of "electrician" that was givin in the PW paperwork, not sure what his thinking here is, it says an electrician will be payed $22.72 + $7.83 seems cut and dry to me.
IMO - you may want to be carefull to document what you say and to whom and when. You getting into some sizable legal arenas that could result in class action against your employer if you are correct, or just ruin your relationship with your employer if you're wrong.... At some point you may want to consult a lawyer. JMSO
Still curious as to whether you're working a Federally funded job where Davis-Bacon applies, or whether it is a state/municipal situation? Almost all jobs I have run across federally funded or state/municipal "public works" jobs have the wage determination information and the requirements regarding it spelled out in the front end of the job specifications that all bidders receive. Here in Indiana we have additional state code requirements dealing with public works projects. I have only seen two instances where contractors were in violation of the statutes, and in both cases, the job was shut down until the problem was resolved. At any rate, it seems as if your employer should know the rules.
Still curious as to whether you're working a Federally funded job where Davis-Bacon applies, or whether it is a state/municipal situation? Almost all jobs I have run across federally funded or state/municipal "public works" jobs have the wage determination information and the requirements regarding it spelled out in the front end of the job specifications that all bidders receive. Here in Indiana we have additional state code requirements dealing with public works projects. I have only seen two instances where contractors were in violation of the statutes, and in both cases, the job was shut down until the problem was resolved. At any rate, it seems as if your employer should know the rules.

I have seen the paperwork, the GC showed it to me, this is a federally funded job where Davis-Bacon applies: DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE
IMO - you may want to be carefull to document what you say and to whom and when. You getting into some sizable legal arenas that could result in class action against your employer if you are correct, or just ruin your relationship with your employer if you're wrong.... At some point you may want to consult a lawyer. JMSO

I know, I hope it does not come to that, guess I'll find out tomorrow.......
This is the point where you need to decide if you like this employer.. How long have you worked for them? Ect.. If you were hired for this job and they are cheating you then by all means go to the attorney general, department of labor, the local IBEW Union. If you've worked for this guy for a long time then you need to consider things... You could also document everything about this job then down the road if you're not working for this guy go after him for your money.
I know, I hope it does not come to that, guess I'll find out tomorrow.......
Since the GC now knows this could very well blow up into work stoppage or law suit - since he is now in one way complacent and will have to Cover his "donkey". ;) (stole that from another poster - it fits.... :D)
then by all means go to the attorney general, department of labor, the local IBEW Union.
Are they not all the SAME :mad: IMO involving the latter outside of station is a disaster wating to happen.... Sure go to the DOL, but bringing in the brotherhood is opening a different can of worms involving every trade on the project. JMSO ;)
Are they not all the SAME :mad: IMO involving the latter outside of station is a disaster wating to happen.... Sure go to the DOL, but bringing in the brotherhood is opening a different can of worms involving every trade on the project. JMSO ;)
If it is a job of any size, the local would, in most cases, be already looking at it assuming the contractor that has he job is not signatory.
If it is a job of any size, the local would, in most cases, be already looking at it assuming the contractor that has he job is not signatory.
True - but things like this bring out the 15' inflatable rat and teams of specialized lawyers to make shining example of those not following the rule they wrote themselves. (We are crossing some lines even saying so...)
I was wondering, other than at the job site trailer or word from your employer, if there were a website I could find out what jobs are prevailing wage in my state? Colorado btw

I found a few sites but it wasn't really what I was looking for and of the ones that listed a few job sites it seems to me that there would be many more than just those few.
I was wondering, other than at the job site trailer or word from your employer, if there were a website I could find out what jobs are prevailing wage in my state? Colorado btw

I found a few sites but it wasn't really what I was looking for and of the ones that listed a few job sites it seems to me that there would be many more than just those few.

See if this helps
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