Typical of your participation - ignore the details, just acknowledge what you want to hear.
The rectifier circuit works because of the connection of the diodes and the reference point used for that circuit. It does not prove anything about the 'utility transformer output'.
I have consistently used your references for analyzing the transformer outputs, such as your choiec of assigning polarity dots. But that led to your current directions being out of phase with the voltages, yet Besoeker says they should be in phase. evidently you have made a wrong choice. Besoeker says, the independent transformer output V12 is in phase with with the independent output V34 or else they could not be connected in parallel. Using your reference terminals of X1 and X3, the waveforms of the two independent outputs are identical. Connect the two voltages in series and then you change your reference terminals, when will you maintain some consistency?
The outputs haven't changed, the only difference is how they are used in your circuit.