Disturbing news

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Just heard from the doc's nurse and she told me that the results of my cybergenics (SP?) came in and that they were very favorable. I said what does this mean, she said basically that I have all the favorable conditions for a very successful run at this. She was quite happy so I gthought I should be also.:)

Heck, I'm ready to put those dancing shoes on right now...:grin:. Thanks again for all your thoughts

That's GREAT news Dennis. Best of luck to you and keep the PMA (Positive Mental Attitude)!
Dennis, unfortunately for me cancer has hit very close to home. My father, mother and wife have all had some form of the disease. A positive attitude and caring people around you can make a world of difference. Lets not forget the progress that's been made through science. Best wishes during your struggle.
Dennis is pretty cool I guess, but that ballroom dancing thing always made me question his manhood.


Luv ya man,

Chris and Cara pulling hard for the DA in South Florida

I've had four family members diagnosed and all have beaten Cancer in the last ten years. You sir, will definitely beat it!! You will be in my prayers and
with all of my heart I know you will overcome. The treatment is going to
suck, but it's worth it. Just follow the "Program" to the letter just like you
do with the NEC!:grin: You have a lot of forum members all across the nation
pulling for you Dennis, so beat this thing, and keep answering our dumb
I hope every thing goes well for you. You are fortunate to live in Chapel Hill some of the best Doctors and treatments in the world. If you need any thing or need help wrapping anything up I am just a PM and a hour away.
OK this is just another chapter in your life troubleshoot it well first the bible then lots of pure juices to help fight and of course positive attitude.
Then we will see you on dancing with the stars next year. You will win of course:D
Frank Zappa once said, "Sometimes you got to get sick before you can feel better."

My 75 year old father beat lung cancer just last year, and survived two strokes in previous years all while being diabetic. He says he feel better than ever now.
If he can do it you can kick this illness right in the ass and come back even stronger.
We're all thinking of you Dennis.
Good luck my prayers and thoughts are with you.

I had melanoma my self last year on my right shoulder luckily they caught in time and were able to surgically remove a 12x 20" section of skin clear down to the muscle. I know this is terrible to have to go thru chemo. .. please keep us informed on your progress. wishing you a speedy recovery.

Good luck and may you and your family have strength during this stressful time.

May God bless you and your family.

And by the way. No excuses for not posting, please continue!! :)
thank you all all for your well-wishes. I have beend pretty out of it it lately and sometime there's no telling what I may be writing ( I already edited 10 times) .

Here is the story written by a friend.

We got great news today. Dennis' myeloma is really responding to the chemo, as Dr. XXXX said it's kicking the crap out of the myeloma. They monitor it by drawing blood for Serum IGG. It checks the amount of protein in the blood. The normal range is 600 to 1700. On 8/31 it was 5640. On 9/22 it was 3521 and that's when he was sick with the fever and mid cycle of chemo. Today it was 1698, back in the normal range. Couldn't ask for anything better in that department. He started the second cyle of IV chemo today, again Tuesday and Friday for 2 weeks along with oral chemo.

They also met with Dr.XXX regarding the vertebroplasty. The doctors all agree that this may really help some of Dennis' pain. His vertebrae are pretty crummy. I think they are going to go ahead with that and it may be scheduled for this Friday, I'll keep you posted.

His pain seems to be better controlled and he's getting some good sleep in the hospital bed. That's great for Marianne so she can get some rest as well. Georgia and Nick are wonderful. Nick's girlfriend Cathy ( a nurse) is an added bonus to the group.

So it seems I must finish the 4 cycles of chemo even tho we knocked it out. The vertebroplasty should be interesting. Lilttle scared on this one since we are messing with the spinal column.

Thanks again for all your thoughts. It has been one struggle after another.
That sucks!! I will keep you in my thoughts,.. beat it Dennis,.. the cancer I mean:)

Sometimes I lie awake at night and ask why me? Then a voice answers nothing personal, your name just happened to come up.
Charles M. Schulz
I am a newcomer to this forum (measured in days). I was struck by the respect and kindness that the members have for you Dennis. So even though I am new and unaquainted with you, I will also send along my best wishes to you and yours.
The vertebroplasty should be interesting. Lilttle scared on this one since we are messing with the spinal column.


My thoughts are with you on your battle with myeloma.

I wanted to bring to your attention the recent clinic trials on vertebroplasty that failed to show any advantage for the procedure over placebo. You can read about them in the Wikipedia entry, for example, which should have references if you want more information. I'm not taking a position one way or another on vertebroplasty, as I don't know enough, but I think that you should have all available information in making your decision on it.

Best wishes,
Dennis, I have been away from this forum for a little while and am reading this thread for the first time. I have enjoyed your posts and the little puzzles you put in your signature line from time to time :). I am adding my prayers to those from so many others for your quick and complete recovery!
May God richly bless you!
I am sorry to hear of your current struggles with your health. I don't know how I would handle such a situation. I pray that God grants you the strength and courage to weather this storm, and that he sees you through to a complete recovery.
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