Disturbing news

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I thank you all know and for all other responses. I appreciate your thoughts and I feel good about beating this thing. Myeloma is one of the easier cancers to deal with but I know I have all those women at the dance studio waiting for me to get better.:D What more motivation do I need--- eeks my wife just gave me a dirty look when I showed her this..:)

Seriously, thanks again for all your thoughts. I will keep you update to some degree-- we'll have to see how the chemo affects me-- starts Tuesday..

Even Edith is pining for you.... did she sign that picture for you?:)

Attitude is half the battle and you have won that half already.

Thoughts, prayers and good vibes are all flowing in your direction.
Best wishes Dennis. I had my cancer scare a few years ago. Nothing that couldn't be treated, but it does give you a new appriciation about things. When they say "don't sweat the small stuff" you start to realize how much small stuff there really is.

It's funny that most of us have never met and may never meet, but you still start to feel close to each other. It could be the common bond we all share or the respect you start to give people that you don't even know.

Dennis from what I've seen you're very well respected.:D Good Luck.
Dennis was always very nice,and helpful. I could tell he was good guy. Thank you for all your help.:) And I hope and pray you get well soon.
Dennis best of luck with everything. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there and do not let it "beat you down" mentally.

It is like an unopened Gift,
this life of ours ...

We hurry through the day
and we worry through the night.

We should take time to sing life's song
and dance to its music.

It Is Like an Unopened Gift
this Life of Ours.

Our prayers are with you. If the support from this forum means anything you'll beat this thing in no time.
Good luck.
Hello Dennis

For what it's worth - I have always sensed that you are one of the "good guys" as well. God bless you and stay positive. This too shall pass.

Another forum friend.

I remember telling my 1st wife ' Get well soon' and she said ' But I am well'.

Seriously, We are all routing for you to have a speedy recovery, and, Get Well Soon !!
Dennis never underestimate the power of prayer, you will be in mine, and I will have the congregation at my church pray this Sunday.
. . . I know I have all those women at the dance studio waiting for me to get better.:D What more motivation do I need--- eeks my wife just gave me a dirty look when I showed her this..:)
Well, duh! :cool:

Seriously, thanks again for all your thoughts. I will keep you update to some degree-- we'll have to see how the chemo affects me-- starts Tuesday..
And with you. Good luck, and our thoughts and prayers will be with you, as will The Force.
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