Disturbing news

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Thanks for checking in. I've been thinking about you lately,wondering how
you were doing with the Chemo and praying it was all positive progress.

As far as I am concerned, you have been missed! :)

God never gives us more than we can handle and allows everything for a reason. You're in my prayers.

You don't need luck, just well wishes and your family/friends by your side.


PS: As a long-time spine sufferer, PM me if you need advice/info on the spine. I have a few customer/friends who are Neurosurgeons.

My thoughts are with you on your battle with myeloma.

I wanted to bring to your attention the recent clinic trials on vertebroplasty that failed to show any advantage for the procedure over placebo. You can read about them in the Wikipedia entry, for example, which should have references if you want more information. I'm not taking a position one way or another on vertebroplasty, as I don't know enough, but I think that you should have all available information in making your decision on it.

Best wishes,

Wayne you are correct as i bought this up to my doc and he saiid that we were not doing vertebroplasty but kyphopohsty. A little different animal but who knows it may be the same issues...hopefully not
Dennis there are certain posters here that I enjoy reading even if the subject is not something I care about. You are one of those posters. Get well soon
Say Dennis ,..if you don't mind me asking,... How did the disease present ??? and were you as stubborn as most men are in regard to seeking the proper attention or did you know right away something serious was taking place ?

Since I read this thread the other day ,.. ... ,. well,... lets just say you and what you are physically,.. mentally ,..and spiritually going through has been on my mind ,.. If you don't want to talk about it,.. I certainly will understand ...

Sending all good vibes your way brother ...
Your cyberpal
Dennis --

I wish for you God's Blessings and His grace, and pray for your speedy and full recovery from your vertebroplasty and a full and complete cure of your myeloma.

Best regards . . .

My Dad and my brother have both beaten this, so there is no doubt in my mind, especially with all the prayers being lifted from this forum and being the man that you are, that you will be back stronger than ever. You also have the prayers of many CMA Christian bikers [yeah sounds like an oxymoron [sp] doesn't it?] as i have put the word out in our prayer chain.
Im praying for you buddy. My mother was diagnosed last dec (im telling you because we live in the same area) and they treated it agressively and she has been in remission for about 3 months now. Thank god you live in a very renowned area for this type of treatment. I was all into the situation, I was taking her to radiation 5 days a week and chemo every thursday for about 3 months so i know its not just the disease your dealing with its the complete change in the day to day sometimes. Keep your head up and stay strong through the treatment.
Dennis, my mom beat cancer over 20 years now, and it was support from family and friends, and faith in god that made it possible. Keep the faith and trust in god, and you too can beat it. god bless you friend.
Dennis is pretty cool I guess, but that ballroom dancing thing always made me question his manhood.
Don't knock the dancing til you've tried it. If you've ever watched "Dancing With the Stars" think about how difficult it is to get out on the dance floor and move your body like and look as cool as Louis VanAmstel or Tony Dovalini. There have been many an occasion when I've gone to a dinner/dance (an old fart electrician like myself) and after a few Salsa's or Merangues there are 6 or 8 guys with baseball bats waiting for me at the exit wanting to break my legs - not because I'm a good dancer mind you, but because their wives want them to start taking dancing lessons.:D

Bob (Iwire), some of my favorite spots are in Cambridge, MA - The Havana Club and Rhyles Night Club in Inman Square. My daughter is up in Boston for her Masters so I'm up there often. If you're a dancer, next time I'm up there I'll look you up and we'll see what you can do.:cool:



BTW, I believe Dennis is far advanced in his ballroom dancing that I am !!!
Dennis I am throwing my prayers in with all the rest of those on this forum. Keep the faith and you will beat this.

Disturbing news

Dennis, My prayers are with you. I know what you are going through,as I am a 2 time cancer survivor.

I beat it and so can you. Good luck and God Bless my friend.

You were not born with an expiration date, my friend.

My grandmothers live to 97 and 101. Both were survivors of one sort of cancer or another.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Dennis, I'm not one that posts a lot, I tend to read the responses and think about them for awhile. You don't know me and will never probably never meet me but I think you are one of the sharpest sparkies on this forum. Good luck with your treatment. Half of the battle is between our ears. Let some others help you out for awhile. I'm sure you were one of the guys that tend "to pay it forward", now is the time to let others do the same. I will include you in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
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