Disturbing news

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FYI- we joined the forum 1 month apart in 06

FYI- we joined the forum 1 month apart in 06


I know there's not much that can be said to ease you an your families current dilemma. Just know that a semi-stranger from the other side of the country is thinking of you and your family:). Along with many others here on the forum, my prayers are with you.

God bless you and your family!
Live Strong

Live Strong

Keep your outlook positive as you have a lot of nice people pulling for you here. I am very fortunate to have had my father the bull survive 3 forms of cancer first hairy cell lukemia then kidney cancer they removed 1 kidney then prostate cancer and he is still hanging in there strong. Live strong. Can a Cow ballroom dance??
I am touched by the outpouring of support. I thank you once again for the outrageous warmth you all have offered me.

George you got me with my own sarcasm--good one.

Cow we can teach you to move those hips and be a ballroom dancer-- maybe a barn yard dancer anyway.
Dennis, I will put you on my prayer list.Trust in the Lord. Have faith that he will bring you through this and he will.

Hey Dennis, I personally know a few people that survived and beat cancer. I wish the best for you beating cancer as well!

I still remember the stories you shared with me about your dad. :)

Keep us posted on your progress. I wish you a fast recovery.

I did get a chance to meet Dennis last summer while on generator training in Raleigh. He was kind enough to meet for dinner. His passion for the field and his personality are every bit as genuine in person as his posts. It is really nice to see the outpouring of prayers and well wishes from forum members to another when we go through good or bad. You have a lolt of prayers going out for you, Dennis.
Dennis I do not chime in on the Forum much but when I did today and read the post........well I had to sit and take a moment. You still have my number call me if you need anything.....Along with others. My thoughts are with you my friend.
I don't post much on the forum and I don't know you personally, but having read hundreds of posts on this forum, I have noticed that many others admire your knowledge and experience in the trade. We all have something to offer no matter what life path we choose. As with many others, I will put you in my thoughts and prayers. God will give you the strength to get through this if you will get calm, quiet, and centered and go within where he eternally waits. I think you have more to do in this life. Remember; if you don't go within, you go without. Best wishes.

Just heard from the doc's nurse and she told me that the results of my cybergenics (SP?) came in and that they were very favorable. I said what does this mean, she said basically that I have all the favorable conditions for a very successful run at this. She was quite happy so I gthought I should be also.:)

Heck, I'm ready to put those dancing shoes on right now...:grin:. Thanks again for all your thoughts
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