Mivey made the following comment yesterday and I started to write a follow-up to it several times but decided not to because it was relating something he was saying to something you were saying. With your new posting, his words are again re-applicable.
I don't want to put words in your mouth (Besoeker), but for quite some time during this discussion, you have made statements and assertions that seem to imply that you believe there is one way and only one way to view a system. Your adamancy on this viewpoint is the reason why I began to wonder whether you had obtained the original viewpoint education that I know is present in engineering coursework. (No insult intended. I am just explaining why I had previously questioned it.)
I had asked you several days ago whether you asserted that the 180 degree phase shift was absolute and independent of viewpoint, and you asserted that it was, but never responded to the discussion after that point. So I will ask again. Are you under the belief that the 180 degree phase shift is present irrespective of whether the neutral is chosen as a common reference point?