This thread is long on words and very short on any systematic evidence. At the very least that's needed because you can't troubleshoot by guessing.
no, you can't. he's also gotten a fair bit of BS assessments here, ranging from delusional, to troll, that
seems to be a bit undeserved, and unwarranted.
so i sent him a private message, with my phone number, and asked him to give me a call.
we talked for half an hour the other day.
he's put in THREE new breakers, and has a less than tolerant corporate client giving him
grief, and no solution in sight. it's a shame he hasn't documented things well enough to
satisfy some folks on here, but he has this job thing that gets in the way, y'know?
he's real, he's legitimate, and he seems like a pretty good guy, and a capable sparky.
i told him i've got two 400 amp breakers sitting on the shelf, used, and if one of them fit
his form factor, he was welcome to it for the price of the postage... he could change his out
with an old breaker that isn't in the same production run of the four he's tried.
then we got down to details about this thing.
this is his story to tell, but the nut of it comes down to this:
this breaker can only turn itself off by tripping, and that places the handle amidships.
mechanically, there is NO way the breaker can move it's own handle to the "OFF" position.
short of pushing a trip test button, there is NO way a person can move the breaker handle
to the "TRIP" position. you can only move it to "OFF".
so there is no overlap between the cause of the two non energized conditions.
there has been two separate sessions with a power analyzer. no anomalies noted.
so, there has been an external force applied to the breaker mechanism, to move the
lever to the "OFF" position. it has not been tripped. it's been turned off. repeatedly.
with nobody near by.
he said the worst day, was 13 times during the store being open. one day. 13 times.
the breaker is located at the top of the gear, and can't be inadvertently pushed off.
as if a 400 amp breaker could be nudged off.
he had a camera set up, and was going to record it, and i'm not sure if the two video's
he posted were the ones he and i discussed, but the video camera was stopped right
before the breaker was opened, and then restarted. there were TWO separate video
segments recorded. it was not paused. it was stopped, and then restarted.
and nobody was in the room. it's the back of store in a starbucks. i've been in lots of
them. there is not really anyplace a person could hide to perform some prank.
by all reasonable logic, the breaker was NOT being activated by any electrical parameter
being violated. it's not being tripped. it's being moved to the OFF position by an external force.
chew on that.