Wow, something that is unexplained, leads a person to the internet for some help. Being called a troll, a liar, assumed I have a multiple personality disorder, even a vocabulary test/comparison to another member ...I mean, come on folks! I'm sorry I do not document my day on here, but you know everything I do. I'm just as frustrated as it's MY BUILDING!
Ride the Lightning is the title to Metallica's 2nd album. I'm a fan of their early stuff. I'm not taking anyone for a ride as it seems to be me being taken for that ride since none of you have anything to lose due to my predicament. I thank all who have helped or at least attempted to, given the strange nature of this situation. So far, all has been normal in that building. I am so baffled by this as I haven't done anything to find a cause. I'm afraid to relax over this as I could get a call any minute. I will keep you all posted.
I have videos, though none show the breaker actually turning off. Just the picture distorts (or others tend to think the camera was moved) just prior to the last second it stops recording. MY opinion of the videos is that the camera "picture" moves in the same manner prior to the power going out every time. I'll be happy to load them up somewhere and provide a link as this forum wont allow the posting of the vids.
I'm a licensed E-1 Contractor in CT. The building is a starbucks.
Yes, I have some edu-ma-cation as in I barely graduated High school, but I still did. School and I always disagreed. Never went to college, am I dumber for it? The analysis of my postings are really irritating. I have never used a forum before, so I'm sorry if you assumed I was a previous "troll". I understand I'm connecting with complete strangers here and its absolutely frustrating feeling like I have to justify myself as anyone who knows me would never second guess my nature.