The global market size for the AFCI is about $5B - are we concluding honestly that this is a five billion dollar larceny - or is the situation more complicated than this?
The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) took a page from Microsoft Windows in 1999, by mandating residential developers beta test software with AFCI devices. Perhaps grand larceny, perpetuated by equipment & insurance industries that dominate NFPA panel membership.
The affected contractors failed to prosecute after 12-yrs of losses from AFCI troubles, or perhaps from their own failure to hire requisite skills. The problem with court is cross examination. If general contractors were exposed for using RMO's as their whipping boy, to run unskilled laborer shops, the entire licensed industry could appear lawless, much less competent, for using unqualified persons to install building wiring.
Emboldened without challenge from clean hands, the 2011 NFPA-70 code cycle perpetuated the AFCI mandate on existing outlet replacements, and expanded it to dormitory units, guest rooms/suites of hotels/motels, and in 2023 to patient sleeping rooms of nursing homes, and limited-care facilities.
Without the ability to settle damages in court, the construction industry developers took a page from politics, mobilized their local chambers of commerce, and by 2020 amended out AFCI & GFCI mandates in nearly half the country.
In states where AFCI & GFCI are amended out, the missing safety devices can't be used to non-renew & cancel property insurance for increased hazard, although unskilled labor typically provides insurance investigators plenty of other defects to choose from.