You deserve this story:
I used to have this housemate, call him Bruce, and his girlfriend, Dory. The had this mutual friend, call her Cathy cause I forget her name. Now Cathy had the habit of engraving a smiley face some where hidden on her possessions. In this case, she had a big Maglight and engraved the smiley

on the inside cap behind the spare light bulb.
One day, Cathy discovered her flash was missing and mentioned this to Dory. About the same time, Bruce showed up with a brand new Maglight. Dory asked to see it. She unscrewed the cap, took out the bulb and there was a smiley face

engraved right there. Bruce didn't say anything.
[Later, I discovered that he was a meth addict which explains a lot.]
One thing that really infuriates me is the yellow, 1/4" rope. You need to put an eye loop in the end to pull wire with. It takes maybe five minutes -- 15 to do a bang up Navy job -- to install this loop. Then some nincompoop uses your rope to pull in some wire. Then he, she, it cuts the loop off. [German word for "bright"], you have to cut the ends of the wires off anyways. I get very micturated off about this. This was three years ago and I still am.