Attn: Those new to the trade.

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masterinbama said:
I used some palmolive dishwashing detergent on a pull with 2 #4's and 1# 10 in a 3/4" conduit. Yes Madge it softens your hands while you pull your wire.

Did you ever get to see how it set up over time???
ultramegabob said:
I used to use polywater alot, I dont care for the yellow stuff, it makes a horrible mess on your clothes and I think it hardens inside the conduit eventually, lately I have been using the clear stuff made by Ideal, it works pretty good...

76nemo said:

to tell you the truth, I havent really paid attention to the name, I just buy it, it seems to be about the same as polywater, but I can buy it on the shelf at menards cheaper than the warehouse sells the yellow crap that I dont like...
I had a female friend ask,...."What's that?" LOL. I think this will be deleted. I stick to the point on this forum, but as we all know, the side jokes are fun:grin:
Probably 'Dyna Blue which is what we use.

There is another blue lube, the name escapes me right now, it is darker blue and semi transparent. I think it might be an ideal product.
iwire said:
There is another blue lube, the name escapes me right now, it is darker blue and semi transparent. I think it might be an ideal product.

actually, I have used both, it is a little more liquid than the dynablue if I remember right...
76nemo said:
Don't you think the blue leaves more residue harder to remove?

basically, I will use anything that is available, I just prefer the clear stuff because it cleans up easier, they all work, but given a choice, the yellow stuff is at the bottom of my list. Dyna-blue is good for long pulls with large wire, it seems to have staying power on the conductors.
76nemo said:
You got me on that one Chris. Who makes that, do you have a link or pic?
I quess it's not called 'slipstick'. I tried to find a link.

It came in a cardboard tube about the size of a TP tube. Looked like wax and you would rub it around the head of the wire.
Go to get the battery hypress and it does not work, mechanic tells me oh yeah it hasn't worked for months. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Borrow a 1/2 drill switch sticks, apprentice tells me it has been that way since he was there. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Go to get the die hypress and the 500 CU dies are missing. Mechanic they weren't there last time. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Ask a mech for his megger and notice the cal sticker is past due. Oh I forgot to turn it in. AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

Get in the stake body to move some equipment at 2:00 AM, fuel tank empty.

I am the guy that will buy any tool you need, you want it I get it. BUT FOR HEAVENS SAKE take care of it. I have accounts with all repair shops and want, need operating tools, mechanics are better workers and it is a safety issue. A calibration company comes to my office every year same time and are there two days, in addition I have spare equipment for the guys while their equipment is calibrated. There is no reason for any of this. I never get upset with my guys and try to be more than helpful my men also know my belief on care of tools and this drives me NUTS.
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76nemo said:
Did you ever get to see how it set up over time???
I haven't but it was a tough pull going in I would imagine it would be even tougher coming out. As far as the fish tape issues mentioned earlier I roll mine up in a short piece of 1" flex. You can also straighten one out with a piece of 1/2" EMT with a bunch of 45's in it
iwire said:
There is another blue lube, the name escapes me right now, it is darker blue and semi transparent. I think it might be an ideal product.


Worst tool horror story I have:

Installing sub panels through out a large motel. All 3" EMT feeders. Ordered the hydraulic KO set from the shop. Punch the first hole, and as I release the pressure, fluid just gushes out of the ram. I make one more hole before the whole thing is so low on fluid it won't work.

So I send it back to the shop for repairs. A week later, I ask the boss during one of his stie visits about it. He says yea, it's done.... it'll be here tomorrow.

Next day, it shows up. I'm happy as a drunk dog in a fire hydrant factory.... I can now finish the job. I punch another hole, release the pressure, and fluid pours out of the ram again.

I'm POd now... d**n repair shop did a crappy job. I call the shop to have them come get it and take it back to the repair shop. What does the shop guy tell me? "We got a repair estimate on it, and we determined it wasn't worth fixing."

So I haul out my own personal 3" KO and finish the job. I send the company set back, without the hydraulics.... just the punches & dies. I put the pump & ram in the job box.

Naturally, someone else in the company needs it, so the shop sends it to them. They call in to complain the hydraulics are missing. They check their paperwork and see it was last checked out to me. So the call me and ask where the pump & ram are. I tell them I threw them in the dumpster since you told me they weren't worth fixing......
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