180912-1241 EDT
Last night I ran some tests because there has been so much conjecture and incorrect information in this thread. A lot of posts have occurred since last night. As a result as result of one I have the following comment.
Transformer inrush current is highly variable for any given transformer under test. It is not a constant value every time you apply power to a transformer. It depends upon the residual flux state in the core from the last turn off, and the particular time in the cycle when voltage is applied to the transformer relative to that residual flux. See my photos P6 and P7 at
http://beta-a2.com/EE-photos.html .
I have an old NUTONE 120 to 24 V 20 VA transformer. This is used in the following tests.
Turns ratio determination:
One useful equivalent circuit for a transformer is:
1. A pimary series internal impedance.
2. An ideal transformer (no losses) of N turns ratio.
3. A secondary series internal impedance.
4. Assume that primary and secondary internal impedances are the same when adjusted by N^2.
Using the unloaded voltage ratio we can determine the apparent turns ratio from both the primary and secondary directions. If the secondary voltage is lower than the primary voltage, then when voltage is applied to the primary for the measurement the ratio will appear to be slightly larger than its actual value, and when voltage is applied to the secondary the ratio will appear slightly lower. An average of these two will provide a good estimate of the actual ratio.
If the secondary is heavily loaded and the current ratio measured, then the result will be close to the actual ratio, and the above averaged voltage ratios.
Results with the NEWTONE:
120 excited --- 120.6/26.6 = 4.534
24 excited ---- 106.6/23.76 = 4.487
The average = 4.51
Current ratio 1.00/.22 = 4.55
Good comparison.
Exciting the 120 winding with the secondary unloaded a Kill-A-Watt read
120.6 V, 0.02 A, 1.4 W, 2.4 VA . Calculated VA = 2.6 .
Loading the secondary with 25 ohms Kill-A-Watt reads
120.6 V, 0.19 A, 23.6 W, load voltage is 21.1 V.
Calculated total internal impedance is 5.5 V change/0.17 A change = 32.4 ohma.
Reflecting this to the primary produces 32.4*4.51^2 = 32.4*20.3 = 658 ohms.
If you apply 24.0 V to the 24 winding you can expect something under24*4.51 = 108 V for the no load secondary voltage.
If the 24 V winding is the power source, then excitation currnet calculates to about 0.02*4.51 = 0.09 A. Measured excitation current at 24.0 V was 0.08 A.
To get about 20 VA from back driving the transformer with 24 V in will rrequire about 24/20 = 0.83 A plus 0.08 A = 0.91 A.
Probably the big question is how much voltage drop occurs on the 24 V supply line? Apparently this is 100 ft long. No wire size has been provided. 200 ft of #18 is about 6.4*0.2 = about 1.5 ohms. At 1 A we loose 1.5 V of our source 24 V. This might not be a great problem.