Because he has isolated his experiment from all grounds, thus N is the only return path. He has also ignored the extreme resistance of the water further from the probes.
my question was rhetorical
I wanted him to answer since we are nitwits
Because he has isolated his experiment from all grounds, thus N is the only return path. He has also ignored the extreme resistance of the water further from the probes.
yes it does
with 6 mA flowing the Vdrop across it is ~ 0.0067 A x 18000 Ohm or 120 V
there is really no drop across the water
yes it does
with 6 mA flowing the Vdrop across it is ~ 0.0067 A x 18000 Ohm or 120 V
there is really no drop across the water
it doesnt matter !!!
here, lets start with baby steps
it doesnt matter !!!
here, lets start with baby steps
1) amps are flowing through the amp probes that are unattached in the water
2) hmmm, #1 infers that there is a voltage gradient there
3) the end of the wire is not shorted together in the water, thus there must be a voltage gradient
4) the summation of amps of all paths in the water will be less than 122v/17968ohm (aka "short")
5) there are infinite voltage gradients in a liquid conductor
does this 4th grade math make sense?
the inline R is nothing more than a "nuisance factor" in the math. you can extrapolate back to actual #'s using math, thus the inline R is meaningless in the experiment.
it doesnt matter !!!
here, lets start with baby steps
1) amps are flowing through the amp probes that are unattached in the water
2) hmmm, #1 infers that there is a voltage gradient there
3) the end of the wire is not shorted together in the water, thus there must be a voltage gradient
4) the summation of amps of all paths will be less than 122v/17968ohm
5) there are infinite voltage gradients in a liquid conductor
does this 4th grade math make sense?
Assuming the water is 18,000 ohms as well, the voltage between your loads will actually be 60 volts, not 120 volts. This lower voltage will result in a lower voltage gradients in your water.
Z is not zero, how about that for a real statement. Z in the water cannot be zero (unless the ends of wire were shorted) !!1) yes
2) no, Z could be 0, which in this case it is very close to, per your OWN numbers!
3) no, again, not if Z= 0, since V = I Z, you can have current I, but no V if Z = 0
4) what? shouldn't the I = V/(R water + 18k Ohm)? if R water = 0 then ALL current will be EQUAL to 122/18k Ohm (unless stray current thru ground)
5) yes (or some quantum limit), but only if the Vdrop across the water is NOT 0, in this case, dang near 0
no need for snark
did i post voltage gradients? who cares about voltage gradients, its the amps that kill you, yes?
You posted current. The lower the voltage the less current will pass through any given resistance.
right, i said nothing about voltage gradients, so your point is what? you are extrapolating a voltage differential from the measured amps? ok, sounds logical, just not sure why that may help.
did i post voltage gradients? who cares about voltage gradients, its the amps that kill you, yes?
Z is not zero, how about that for a real statement. Z in the water cannot be zero (unless the ends of wire were shorted) !!
here's another crazy statement, R of the water is not zero !!
My point is that your resistor is causing a lower current reading then would take place in the real world.
my expectations that some would catch on has failed me.the R limiting makes ALL the difference
in a real scenario you would have 123 across the water, not 2.4 lol
does this 4th grade math make sense?
no need for snark
Please watch your tone.
ok, and thats an issue for math because why?? with or w/o the inline R you can use math to tell you what the actual #'s are. maybe you see that now. i had already extrapolated the amps # and found it to be 0.1543mA. but if you look back in post #1, finding actual was not what i was looking to get out of the experiment. it simply shows the hazard, in general terms, a class of hazard that has many technical scenarios of which some may be deadly.
my expectations that some would catch on has failed me.
if you notice, i already found the R of the water, it to be roughly 2622 across the 0.285" gap/path !!
so, in your head, remove the inline 18k. now what are the amps flowing in the wire ??
hmmm, that seemed very ez, yes ??
put on your math thinking cap for just a minute, you can extrapolate the "no inline R" answer for everything else too.
ok, and thats an issue for math because why?? with or w/o the inline R you can use math to tell you what the actual #'s are. maybe you see that now. i had already extrapolated the amps # and found it to be 0.1543mA. but if you look back in post #1, finding actual was not what i was looking to get out of the experiment. it simply shows the hazard, in general terms, a class of hazard that has many technical scenarios of which some may be deadly.
my expectations that some would catch on has failed me.
if you notice, i already found the R of the water, it to be roughly 2622 across the 0.285" gap/path !!
so, in your head, remove the inline 18k. now what are the amps flowing in the wire ??
hmmm, that seemed very ez, yes ??
put on your math thinking cap for just a minute, you can extrapolate the "no inline R" answer for everything else too.
did i post voltage gradients? who cares about voltage gradients, its the amps that kill you, yes?
Z is not zero, how about that for a real statement. Z in the water cannot be zero (unless the ends of wire were shorted) !!
here's another crazy statement, R of the water is not zero !!
the R of the water can't be 2600 Ohm if R limiting is 18000, V is 123 and measured I is 6.8 mA
In addition to plastic spoons, rubber gloves would be prudent too. Getting hit hand to hand while wet is seriously unpleasant at best.
and ofc the water's resistance isnt zero; it's actually fairly high, higher for fresh water than salt, hence why fresh water is more dangerous: voltage gradients are greater.